2 day old sushi

Jimmy Kimmel will award Matt Damon a fake Oscar or something like that.

If its showing on HBO/Max or Prime I’m in!

I loved this movie but had a hard time getting my friends to sit through it. You got to pay attention to get the humor. This was one of my first VHS tapes I ever bought. And believe it or not, VHS movies were very expensive to buy in the 80's.

Reservation Dogs is not all that funny nor as good as other shows out there.  


Funnily enough, after I DID go through the slides, I had that same thought.  Why are there so many of these type of stock photos :)

i thought the term blacklist was itself blacklisted? I can’t keep up nowadays.

The flippers are probably Content Influencers with too much money and no brains. Not likely a repeat customer of RR anyway.

Toyota did it.

Im on the side that has the best snacks at the meetings.

didn’t need to read the article. I saw ‘Start Slideshow’ and wanted to punch the screen.

I know this is Jezebel, but all reports indicate the Ms Spears initiated the first contact (which is itself a battery) And Wemby never touched her.

Just change the headline, remove one word ‘best’.

to each his/or her own. Some people what to reserve their bodies for their partners, that’s great. others what to share with the world. thats ok too. Only this country (USA) has hang up about topless women, most of Europe no one really cares - so long as its appropriate to the location.  Just have common sense y’all.

your math is correct.  Some years we exceed this amount, but most times just come close.  Its ‘only’ $3000 to beat the cost of the regular $60 membership.  So if you spend more than $3k per year, it pays to get the exec. card.

This could be nice! A new Prius is nice, this might be better or more fun.

Gotta get Trumps name in every story.  Its a rule or something.

Time to move to South America.  Or Australia.

As weird as this ruling may seem, there are other ways that colleges can use to get around it and make sure their student body remains diverse. I heard some radio stations this morning talking about this, and while race might not be allowed, economic and geographic demographics CAN be used, for example.

If you might be a heavy Costco shopper, just get the black executive card. With the 2% reward I rarely pay anything, or if I do its very minimal. I think we spend $5000/year at Costco, that’s not very hard and that amount refunds nearly the entire membership.