
By comparison to the surrounding towns? Absolutely

And I’ll finish ignoring all of the dying, starving children. Diamonds are totally more important.

God: “Sure, just let me finish this earthquake I have going on in Nepal first”

I’ve been there. It used to be just a cute little college town/old school hippy enclave. In recent years it has definitely gotten a spiteful, oddly smug undertone, not sure why.
Maybe the influx of wealthy fauxhemians?

Yup. I was all, “wait ... do I respect Kris Jenner now?!”

I am so happy for him. Forty years ago, I was a little girl who wanted to be Bruce Jenner. I wish I had known how much he wanted to be more like me. He embodied strength and endurance, and still will. I am giddy with delight that he is open and getting to be accepted and loved for himself.

It made me cry. I’m sure he has brought hope to other transgendered people, that it is possible to achieve what feels so far out of reach. And god help me I actually liked Kris Jenner for a minute, what is even happening?!

As a plus size girl, I love it when thinner women ask me where I got an item of clothing, and I get to tell them they won’t fit into it.

Exhibit A:

There should be a PSA: Friends don’t let friends get short bangs.

Funny, I always thought of Ithaca as Portland East. Similar towns/cities. I loved it, but there were very much this type of person and if you didn’t conform to their natural alternative organic free range lifestyle they could be verrrrrry judgmental.

These are my bangs from when I was three and knew exactly where the scissors were when my mom was on the phone for 2 seconds.


I wear the amount that makes ME feel comfortable, not what makes other people feel comfortable.

It’s almost worse, due to the self-righteousness. I only visited, so I don’t have a wide range of experience, but as a native New Yorker- give me the motherfucking east coast any day.

I had them once in like the 9th grade and it absolutely was an accident (don’t let your friends cut your hair!)

I’m not a fan of the bangs or the self important snobbery.

Um, yeah. I’m trying to contain my rage here but they sound like assholes.

I hate this shit. I love wearing make up. It’s fun and its a part of my morning ritual that I truly enjoy. I also was blessed with good skin. Therefore, I do not wear make up to (GASP) hide all my horrific flaws. I wear it cause I fucking want to. Sure, a red lip makes me feel confident and smokey eyes make me feel

Cute! One of the best makeovers so far.