
I had to drive across country in a moving van towing my car on a trailer. While not close to the big trucks, doing that gave me an appreciation of what truck drivers go through. I do my best not to cut in front of them, do sudden stops or the other stupid things that people can do. I’ll add this to my “things not

I did. I’m happy I learned this important lesson today. Well, I hope I did. :)

Don’t be absurd. That doesn’t apply here. Big difference between you defending someone saying “i don’t believe in this religion” or “i dont believe in this war” as opposed to “i want to cleanse America of Jews and black people”. There’s nothing but evil to defend there.

Nazis want to kill us all, so violence against Nazis is, by definition, self defense. This isn’t mere difference of opinion or an odd little ideology, it’s a person announcing he intends to commit genocide because that’s what Nazis do.

Counterpoint: Richard Spender would not do you the same courtesy.

Now, this is where I would normally laugh at you, walk away and close the door on you. But not today. Why? Because people like you hide behind your precious constitution and protest that people like that man and others of his breed have the inalienable right to speak their minds, no matter how repugnant we - the

Sure its ok. Think of it as a collective self defense.

I may disagree with anything and everything he says, but id die to defend his right to say it.

You don’t appease Nazi’s, you fight them, history has shown us that.

What if being a nazi was made illegal? Then would it be okay? Would you allow a child molester to talk about his love for children, i mean a thousand years agonit was legal and not really that gross, but still wrong. Theres a line that you can cross, and wishing people dead because of the pigment of their akin or the

Yes and no. I’m tired of letting people with disgusting and hateful views feeling completely at home to espouse them in public. I’d rather they be frightened to say such things. Secondly, this guy’s a bully, just like Trump. Bullies need to be stood up to. That’s when they back down. If you keep meekly accepting it,

Bullshit. All this mambee, pambee crap is what allows hate groups to get a foothold. Normally, I’m pretty pacifist, but in the regard, these people need to be shut down immediately. It’s not free speech when you’re telling others to gtfo because of their skin color, culture, ethnic background, religion, sexual

Really? Even when others act upon those ideas and say......I dont know,... walk into a church and murder nine people. You and people like you are part of the problem. Free speech is afforded in regards to government suppression. You are not free to say what you want without consequence.

Freedom of speech is the freedom to say what he wants without getting persecuted by his GOVERNMENT for doing so. It has nothing to do with private reprisals and it does not absolve him of all CONSEQUENCES of his actions and words.

I am using my freedom of speech to cheer the Nazi punchers. Let the Nazi speak and get punched all day long. I love it.

It is like whenever something happens you guys start running around your “but he has the right to say it”. Where do you guys draw the line then?

Nope. You are wrong. Nazis can and should be met with physical violence whenever and wherever they show their faces.

How about if we spend the next four years questioning the authenticity of his birth certificate? Would that make you feel any better?

since I use my motorcycle 99% of the time, I tend to follow those rules for every 4 wheeled creature on the road, but I HAVE seen a blowout on an 18-wheeler once (thankfully far enough back to avoid the gator), and it's probably as close to a shit-your-pants moment (not involving a car in a barrel roll) as possible on