
Yeah I think about this a lot. What we rationalize spending money vs. what we forego.

Just because you spent four years without paying rent, doesn’t mean you should spend all that extra money you now have.

For the longest time I was too analytical with my disposable income. I didn’t go on an actual vacation for many years because for the money that I would spend on a vacation I could get so much more “value” from something else. For instance, just the travel and lodging involved in a basic three-day weekend costs as

Ignore “therealhonesttruth”, it’s just a spam bot. Your thermal concern it valid, but I would be more worried that some elder person would mistake it for a working unit and pour water into it.

Seriously, though, your comment is weird because it assumes that these guys only can do Game of Thrones stuff and not shift gears creatively. Like why would a Star Wars movie developed by these guys be exactly like GoT? Why is it automatically assumed that a Star Wars movie by these guys would contain rape and incest

Yes, let’s censor EVERYTHING that makes us slightly uncomfortable.

Yet another reason why lawmakers need to get together and pass a new law banning Reddit.

No I still think their stuff is hilarious and even the CKY VHS tapes I watched are still funny. Those guys were actually funny and only had a 12 year run.

If you no longer enjoy watching Jackass you might as well off yourself now; there is no joy left to be had in your life.

Jackass holds up about 90%. There’s some pretty cringeworthy stuff in there and Bam is a fucking sociopath, but doing insanely stupid, reckless shit is always funny.

Well, I mean....he’s also Jewish, so congratulations on managing to outdo Barstool in horribly ill-advised jokes that aren’t funny.

Yes, they did. They took what was off-screen on the page (but did happen) and added it. That’s what visual media does.

But I just look at Jeyne and look at Sansa and I only see one where the woman took back any agency.

I’m not a blanket defender. As I said, the Jaime-Cersei scene was a horrible mistake and made worse

Yeah, because that is visually exciting, to have Alfie Allen off screen for an entire season and then show up limping and having to exposit “I gots my dick cut off!”

Remember how the show portrayed Ramsay’s first wife as being locked in a tower and literally eating her own fingers for sustenance... wait, that was the

The wiki run by those notorious show-haters? Yeah, that’s a credible source.

In the books, the Mountain literally almost raped a 13-year-old girl in half. Ramsay made his wife fuck dogs.

Get the fuck out of here until you’ve read the books.

Bullshit. This boils down to the Jaime-Cersei scene, which was a mistake in filming I won’t defend. But every other scene was either on the page or TAMED down on the screen.

Ramsay did worse in the books. He just did it to a prostitute you barely know instead of a named character who is a virgin. Nice to know you value

Counter-counterpoint: Benihoff wrote X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Game of Thrones succeeds because it is one of the most lavish, expensive shows ever made. It is visually incomparable to any other TV show. Everything else is lacking.

Star Wars, meanwhile, has never been want for visual production. Writing and storytelling,

Counterpoint: FUCK YEAH

Ever hear of the phrase “Girl’s Night Out”? Used by women quite frequently to describe a group of women going out.

The fact that everyone’s offended he called them girls kinda validates why there is a contract in the first place. hehe

BTW - I hope they’re paying you a 7 figure salary... I think UniGawkerVision has probably made in the high six figures in commissions on my Kinja purchases alone. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to put my kids through college now, but in Trump’s America it’s every man for himself!

BTW - I hope they’re paying you a 7 figure salary... I think UniGawkerVision has probably made in the high six