
This statement clearly displays a lack of familiarity with the source material, A Song of Ice and Fire, on which Game of Thrones is based. If you had any such familiarity, you’d know that it’s a key tenet of George RR Martin’s writing philosophy to not shy away from the darkest parts of human nature. The source

If you think the Game of Thrones series is defined by one controversial scene to the point that you think a rape scene is what the creators of GoT would carry over to another juggernaut IP, then I think your opinion is not worthwhile.


I saw elsewhere that it is for MUT. As someone who hasn’t played Madden in a decade, I ask, what is MUT?

This jerk literally created a Kinja account to shit on Molly for sharing a recent traumatic experience that is a relevant portrayal of a major issue with American society.

My big concern is that there are only 4 real main quests. I’ve done two, and unlocked maybe 3-4 map sections, and I just don’t know how the game will hold my attention while exploring the other map sections.


Pretty much every game on Miramar that I’m in starts at 88-90 people.

I miss the fog :(

Metroid, Smash, probably a new Nintendo IP in the works...........

Am I the only person that has literally never encountered a cheater in this game?

I was at those games at PNC too! DeGrom pitched a winner friday night!

This has been my favorite Kotaku series in a really long time. I’m super happy that you’re so excited about your new PC, and these new emotions are all on point! I had the exact same experience with D:OS 2.

I think that Epic has separate teams for the Battle Royale and single player modes?? Would love some kind of confirmation from someone who knows more, but perhaps single player has not been shafted, just given somewhat fewer resources and thus developing a bit more slowly?

I’ve found it can take a little while to get a feel for the strategy and activity in different areas of the maps, which may explain why you can’t see how people enjoy it. If you are more into fast-paced gunfighting, there are areas on the maps in all the major BR games where you can land, and immediately be in a fight

I love the darkness in Dying Light. It’s oppressive as hell and matches up nicely with the haunting nature of volatiles. I always feel like there’s exactly enough light for me to think I see a safe route, only to fall off a building and get eaten :)

THIS! I love that my palms are sweaty and my hands are shaking a little bit in PUBG, and that you feel like you have to creep around or your head will be blown off. I play this type of game to make me feel that anxiety!

Play on Asia/EU servers where there are fewer Kotaku readers? :)

Just a guess, but I think it would be fresh pasta (i.e. not dry like you buy in a box from the grocery store), which truly cooks in 1 minute or less and is delicious!
