
Well that is just fantastic news! I did some research, and realized what I actually had in mind was Donkey Kong 64, which according to wikipedia is still in the DKC series.

Accurately conveys why the Avengers/Marvel IP makes me want to off myself before this comes to pass

Honestly, forget Diddy Kong Racing, and get me a new Donkey Kong Country game. That game defined my childhood and its IP hasn’t really been tapped in.. decades?

ahhh high school and the good ol’ days of delivering some back seat meat

I will play with you

Alternatively, he’s one of the best players in the world at a very popular game that happens to have some dull moments, and he plays an engaging, entertaining character to make his streams of said game even more engaging for his viewers.

I have goosebumps from this review. Buying the game now and not looking at anything else about it until I complete it.

I don’t have “guys,” and I actually voted against Obama in 2012, so to say that I’m approaching this from some sort of team perspective would be making a conclusion without all the evidence.

Allude = to suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.

Aw man, you’re one of those “throw shit at the wall to see what sticks, then, when the shit begins to ooze down the wall because it has no substance, scoop it back up and hurl it again because maybe this time it will work” types? How trite.

That’s not who I’m talking about. I’m talking about the people who are reacting to the terrible things that Donald Trump is doing as the president of the country after the election. Additionally, you are sincerely deluded if you believe that people’s main concern is “voiding their loss” as opposed to removing a

I don’t think it’s so much babies crying about losing an election, I think it’s rational human beings expressing extreme concern at the fact that our president is a peerless oaf who has been wrecking our country’s standing internationally and opening the door for truly horrible people to feel emboldened.

If part of your issue with Fortnite is the shooting, I will go out on a limb and say that you might enjoy PUBG a bit more then. It takes its gunplay very seriously, and you have to construct all your weapons (i.e. you never pick up a scoped rifle, you have to find the rifle, the scope, the extended magazine, and the

So I don’t know fortnite too well, but I do enjoy Battlegrounds quite a bit, so I’ll try to address this.

and it was always trash!!

Nope. The second you kick someone in the fucking face, you unequivocally enter the realm of the asshole.

This is the correct take. Brady is a very good quarterback under perhaps the greatest coach of all time. Brady is not the reason that Brady is the most successful QB of all time, Belichick’s system is.

haha! this is similar to me, except it will be hours of me calling out enemies in PUBG or muttering to myself about how beautiful a scene in a game is. Honestly, if that leads to more ads for games I will enjoy, I’m cool with it!

I am Gonna Give You a Star.

Yo so not that I disagree with you, but would you mind giving an example of a better campaign, a better multiplayer, and especially a better looter?