
You’re not wrong, but I don’t believe there’s a right answer for everyone here. I was only speaking for myself (notice my use of “I” and “comfortable” in my statement).

This is why I don’t ride anymore. I’m comfortable with stepping over the limit in a car, I enjoy dancing on that line and bringing it back in when I get too far over the wrong side of it. If I’m very familiar with a bend I’ll push my car around it with as much speed as the tires can handle.

You can have all the grip in the world, but if you can’t spin the tires your car is under-powered.

There are times when it is inappropriate to deviate from a script. Before you take that advice you need to know what the expectations are. Still, even if it is all written down, you need to rehearse multiple times to ensure that your pacing and enunciation are right. Also, being intimately familiar with the script can

I wouldn’t call it a diffuser. The angle is so extreme that it certainly has zero influence in the air coming off the underbody.

It’s your car. Do what you want with it. But at least TRY to care for it as best you can. Even if it has to deal with a harsh environment for a while as long as the mechanicals are maintained and you keep a fresh coat of wax on it you can bring it back to perfect again without much effort.

Holy shit, this fucking guy just equated collective identity with racism...... you’re going to spoke the football and declare an “intellectual victory” and you’re going to equate collective identity with racism? Man, for a minute I actually thought you were an intelligent person. Perhaps misguided, spent too much

It’s like you’re running the “undercover white nationalist” playbook. Either you’re lying to yourself or you think you can run this game on people and nobody is going to call you out on it.

Ah, so it’s only “control” if you personally bless it to be. Whatever man, keep doing those mental gymnastics to push your white nationalist bullshit where it isn’t welcome. If there is a god your backwards views will be resisted until you come to your senses.

That was a response to a different post that you made. I’m not sure how it ended up where it did.

Nah, I’m not the type who goes out of his ways looking for reasons to hate people. That, and should I be confronted with that the language you’re referring to, I’ll respond with kindness instead of being the weak, spineless type of person who drops the victim card.

Interesting, so you can’t see the difference between acknowledgement of an advantage you have and feeling guilty?

The Republican you want to be no longer exists.

That technology already exists. It’s simply a matter of using it in this way.

Man..... you really need to sign up for some classes or something. The socialism you’re speaking of was fuelled by authoritarianism. Socialism can exist outside of authoritarian environments where it’s less about control and more about community and social justice.

Nobody is asking these assholes to pay anybody anything. Nobody is asking them to feel guilty about anything. What they’re being asked to be are respectful members of society. Clearly they such poor quality people that they can’t even do that.

We can acknowledge the lows without memorializing them.

Yeah but you can get one equipped with power climate control vents that sweep back and forth.

On paper and in pictures I like it over every other option out there, including the Civic, but possibly excluding the Mazda 3. I definitely think it’s the best looking option in its segment.

Nooooooooo!!!! Everything Discovery touches turns to shit!!!!