
Because the reason pro-lifers don’t like abortion is because they hate women. Yeah, that’s totally a reasonable thing to think.

Illegal? No.

Give that advice to Emmett Till.
Oh wait, you can’t.  He’s dead because of false allegations.

Turns out slander gets you in trouble.

Those things are not mutually exclusive. Women can be afraid for their safety and men can be afraid of false accusations at the same time.

Good weather today, huh?

truly the most authentic thoughts are “Dotard blumpf is not my president, he is hitler, believe women”

Look, honest question: Do you think that 4chan and 8ch trolls prefer that you ignore their memes, or write 1000-word think pieces on them?

I know this is a weird and unpopular concept for the people of this site, but most cops are just commoners who want to help their community. Definitely take a minute to breathe and compose yourself before responding.

Apparently you forget the black panthers who stood outside Philadelphia polling places looking menacing and scaring white people away from voting for obama.

I’m not sure either Hitler or the Klan are intrinsically inappropriate. They’re only subjects of sensitivity because they’re lacking the benefit of time. What if he dressed up as a Turkish soldier? They committed genocide against Armenians, but no one would make a peep about that. Or how about Napoleon? Genghis Khan?

Wow. I don’t actually agree with this. This is Valve, not wanting to take responsibility for the content you can download from their platform.

Why *should* it be Valve’s responsibility to decide what people are not allowed to play?

This is just another example of Valve punting away all responsibility.

Aaah the religion of peace, where you arrange your daughters marriage and throw your gay sons off buildings

Hold on, I didn’t think articles bashing muslims were allowed on this site.

Of Peace.

You seem extra-stupid, even when compared to the average commentator at The Root, which is saying a lot.

White people should leave South Africa now.

I totally agree. And white money should be withdrawn from helping such a failed shithole of a nation. I hope the whole place goes the way of Zimbabwe...and it will.