
I think the most common complaint against identity politics is that it leads to posts like yours, where one group on the victim hierarchy discounts the challenges of other groups in order to claim a higher priority. If you view everything as a zero sum game, then your political system is going to descend into rank

Good points and than you for pointing that out.

As the child of an immigrant and working with a number of immigrants, this is my opinion as to why you were surprised as to the number of Hispanics who voted for Trump. As much as people want it to be a issue about people being racist but for them (and my family) it was an issue about coming here and going through the


Ah yes, Original Sin, what a novel concept. Are you by chance in a cult?

The author sort of touches on it in the article. If you ask 100 people to define “identity politics” you’re likely to get many different answers.

Identity that the new Oppression Olympics?

What a stimulating conversation. I think we’ve furthered the national discourse, I really do.

Racists aren’t a race.

The best advertising campaign for the Alt-Right is leftists calling everyone who ever disagreed with them Nazis and White Supremacists.

Narrow worldview? How the fuck do I have a narrow worldview?

What’s the problem? I kinda agree with that statement. People are complicated in general, don’t know why that would be different for a Trump voter.

A bigot of bigots? You’re a fucking moron.

She was better in some ways and worse in others. I identify as left wing as my views coincide with that (e.g. Free healthcare, social mobility etc) but it doesnt mean it’ll automatically mean that left wing people are good no matter what and the right are bad regardless, hence AVOTLOCS (a voice on the left of common

As long as violence isn’t advocated people are allowed to espouse whatever views they like, no matter how odious. People can only get to the truth of whatever it is they’re looking for on their own accord. If you force feed them facts even if you’re in the right (as the left constantly do by virtue signalling endless

People like yourself, who treat Trump supporters as if they suffer from some genetic incurable disease, are not helping. In a way, you are as closed minded as some of the people you criticize. Instead of trying to solve the problem, you consider it to be some divine punishment about which we cannot do anything. Thus,

I am a Trump Voter & damn proud of it. Dan, who the fuck are you to put us down? President Trump is doing an A+ job. I will tell you who to put down. Robert Mueller & Andrew McCabe of The Uranium One Crime. They both need to be arrested, indicted, found guilty, and publically executed for what they did, along with

“When the leader of one’s country operates like a tyrant, of course an impressionable young boy is going to think that manipulating others is okay.”

You are attempting to argue from reason and logic with a bunch of petulant children. Let them be. They are the Trumparieans of blackness.

Wow man, really helping your cause. I guess I will continue to be a “worthless white person”. With shit like this racism will exist forever and I no longer care.