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Definitely. The show has been slowly, methodically building to that for years now. It has put in the work to show the patriarchy was shit on various levels, be they political or personal, and now we are witnessing the matriarchal response play out in terms of what these women have learned. Some of them have learned to

I thought he was fine. He delivered his lines well, he sang a song that's a deep cut from the books, and the song/as well it was sung added to the surprise of that scene. We've been trained to expect a bucolic scene with a nice group of singing soldiers to end in death or rape or something awful. This was just people

How Was Your Pop Culture Weekend?

I started listening to it a couple months back. I made my way through most of the Blank Check episodes of films I've seen and now I'm circling back to The Phantom Podcast.

Dude can sing, tho.

I don't think they can, and I think that's why Martin has had so much trouble wrapping the books up. You can only subvert so far. If you do it at first it can be surprising and propulsive, but if you do it through to the end, you're just telling a narratively unsatisfying story. Tropes are tropes for a reason, and the

I was under the impression that Universal had exclusive rights to rides with Marvel characters east of the Mississippi. I wonder if the Guardians rights weren't included in that original deal, if they've reverted, or if the two companies came to some sort of character sharing agreement..


Disney World is getting a Star Wars resort that is basically Westworld. Costumes, storylines, characters…it's basically Star Wars LARPing.

Uh, excuse me, but the Doctor can only be played by a white dude. Duh.

Personally, I'd prefer if they tried to keep it secret until the actual regeneration just for the surprise factor (I also wish they had done a surprise regeneration in the season finale for the same reason), but anybody who regards casting news as a spoiler is a moron.


His lack of a nomination is probably the most baffling of any. Voters clearly watched the show and clearly recognize its quality, but they somehow didn't manage to notice his performance?

I am gonna be SO ANGRY if This is Us wins best drama. I can totally see it happening, although its support in writing and directing doesn't look to be as strong as in acting. I'd put my money on The Crown there.

She and Jay-Z are lucky that they are rich and are therefore eccentric, otherwise they'd just be weird.

Or if you are, then we can be horrible together.


It's too bad the image on the goatse one didn't come through.

But the takes!
