SG Standard

Big night for Laurel and Hardy in the CZ.

The first half of the season was really good already but it hit a brand new level after the beach episode. Rachel needed to admit that she was in love with Josh like Laurel needed to know that Oliver was the Green Arrow.

That was a bravura performance. Rachel Bloom for all the awards.

OMG the opening credits joke on "That Text Was Not Meant for Josh!". This show.

God dammit, he can ruin anything.

I'm free all night.

Damn skippy. My version of The Good Place may very well be Galavant-land.

I wonder what the first slow cover trailer was. Whatever the case, it probably wasn't an actual part of the film like the BWAAAAAAAMP. I'm ok with the Logan trailer using Hurt, but that's about it.

I would take a billion BWAAAAAAAMP trailers over another slow minor key cover trailer.

Because I've gotta save something for the afterlife.

Sure! I'll be "snowed" in so I should be available.

I'm still only halfway through season 1, but I will remember this when I get there (hopefully, this will only take me a week or so).


Math can't be trusted. Where's the proof, huh?

I saw a Periscope of him on an elliptical the other day, so maybe he's getting into shape.

Speaking of Cap and Trump, I had to stop reading Brubaker's Cap run because of the whole "Russian madman secretly controls an upstart presidential candidate" and "homegrown terrorists try to bring the country back to how it was in the 1950s". Waaaaaaay too close to home.

*checks to see if they offer online classes*

I can't wait until some network exec decides that its biggest problem was that it wasn't grimdark enough and tries again. Should only take a year or two.

It is going to be really, really, really hard for them to turn this into something that isn't lesser than what it could have been. It could still work to a certain degree, but it could never work in the same way that it could have with a Leia/Kylo scene.