SG Standard

Yeah, he's not exactly Quixote in that regard. But I don't mind that he achieved that part of his goal. It's his reward for growing as a person, just as Mia's success is hers. They each had something to learn from the other, so even though they were not the right person for one another, they were the perfect person

Yup! Keith is a better musician and is more successful at turning people on to jazz. Are we supposed to ignore that because Gosling is billed higher than Legend?

I'll be OK with whichever one inevitably wins, but I slightly preferred La La Land.

Had people taken Westworld as literally as they took True Detective S1, they would have convinced themselves that Radiohead was trying to communicate with the Hosts via coded player piano messages.

Yes. Yes it would.

And that's a perfectly acceptable reason to not like a film! "I am #woke, and am therefore offended that Ryan Gosling's character wants to save jazz", on the other hand, is not. Especially when the film has a black character who is openly skeptical of that desire and is the one person in the film who actually does

Yes to which part?!

The "I didn't like it" backlash or the "cultural appropriation" backlash? One I can understand, the other I think misreads the film.

It really is. Every scene that takes place in the lab or features Dolores is straight out of Cronenberg, and other park plots hew very closely to more traditional horror as well.

Totally agree. I think it would have played/been received much better if it hadn't been swept up in the Internet Theorizing Machine. There's so much going on about the nature of consciousness, human morality, storytelling, the state of storytelling in popular culture, AI, and much more and it just all got subsumed in

For a film that is sitting at 93% on both Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic, La La Land has developed a surprisingly strong and annoying backlash. I'm ready for it to be over.

Wow, that's a hell of a piece of work, Not Randy.


Are we including Run the Jewels 3 on our 2016 best of list because the digital download came out then or are we holding it until the 2017 edition since the physical release isn't until later this month? Because I listened to it this morning and it is ranking high on whichever list I include it on. This sucker bangs.

Those did look tasty. Love me some food porn.

Yeah, me too. I'm thinking of expanding to two episodes per show just so I can show both of them the appropriate amounts of love.

1) Hollywood Foreign Press Association
2) When in doubt, go with Meryl Streep
3) Barry Jenkins
4) Gonna guess In Bruges

Cars 3-The kids love this stuff, and I've got a feeling that the less-than-stellar reception to Cars 2 will have Pixar working hard to make this a quality film on its own, rather than just a way to move merch. Projection: $250M gross for a $50M profit

Best episode of TV last year, hands down. "The Light of the Seven" is one of the best pieces of original TV music I've heard since…I dunno, the S1 finale of Lost?