Silver Gleaming Death Machine

To be honest between Grantland and 30 for 30 I’m sort of convinced these days that what Simmons is best at is cultivating talent and using his clout to give them room to operate outside of the machine.

So women who miscarry are being charged with murder, and this shit gets charged with “injury to a omission?” after literally starving a living, breathing little boy to death? I hate this fucking country.

“When I can’t afford it on my pay, I don’t want people on the taxpayer’s dime to afford those kinds of foods either.”

Almost like he gave the guy a job, then took it back. Like some kind of....Giving TakeBacker

This article does nothing but quantify the stereotype of Northeasterners being insufferable assholes. I mean, HOW DARE any city not within a 30 minute train ride of Manhattan claim ANYTHING as their own?!?!?!122 Why the hell would ANYBODY outside of the New York Metropolitan area...errr but not New Jersey, be proud

Of COURSE Texas spends 3 years to learn state history. Most Texans think the state is so special and unique it needs 3 years to learn the history. But really, they're just too stupid to learn it in one year.

Over 70% of America identifies as Christian. When Odinists become the majority and try to enforce their beliefs via the US Government, I might feel differently.

Jesus, this is amazing. We can only hope for an NFL Blitz style event in 2020.

Of course the Cavs' shirts are in Comic Sans.

This also happened:

The Ohio Satan University.

Yeah but Alabama got in

St. Louis County Police demanded an apology immediately.

It's not a test of the dog's mental agility, any more than his/her physical agility. Also, you're a dick.

All of the "I Am Jameis Winston" and "Witch Hunt" signs make me want to do this to Tallahassee:

I loved the SEC in Mean Girls

I think you mean Nick Fury (Although Nick Cage as Nick Fury would be high-larious.) You can also add Sif, Drax, Nebula, and Maria Hill.

Actually, given what I know about political press operations, if Deadspin got played by anyone here its just as likely to be Gardner's people, not Udall's.

You sure told those libtards, "joemama420."

Worst idea for a reality show EVER.