Boner of a Lonely Heart

Pick a side, movie about space travel that has no inherent reason to be political! It’s 2018 for Pete’s sake!

...Looks like someone already beat me to it. Thanks a lot, crappy Kinja interface that somehow causes my computer to freeze up just from attaching a GIF!

Maybe I was just high as fuck when I watched this last night, but was the ending implying that South Park is actually going to get its own “Tegridy Farms”-branded marijuana strain in real-life? With many shows getting their own beer these days, I could actually see it being a smart business move considering how

I’ll have you know that Sam Barsanti is 1/16th Navajo!

“If there’s anything sly about this initial salvo of old-school clips, it’s how, robbed of context, they make Sunny look like a lesser show than it is. These are the scenes someone told you about while trying to get you to watch It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, leaving you unimpressed and smiling politely.”

The pearl-clutching masses

I have to admit I was skeptical that this would just be a slapdash attempt to recoup their losses after firing Roseanne, but I was very pleasantly surprised. I liked the episodes from earlier this year quite a bit, but strangely enough, this felt closer to the tone of the classic episodes from the ‘90s. As for

Notably absent from the burn ward: Laserface, who hasn’t seen sunlight in the past 5 years because he’s too busy combing through all our comment histories!

Those two embedded tweets are basically the same exact joke. I’m beginning to suspect that most of these obnoxious Twitter users like to get high off their own “hot gases!”

Only if she licks a dozen doughnuts after doing so. In this business, you need to continue to outdo yourself, or else the public will forget about you!

I feel like this is by far the most human thing you’ve ever posted on here. You actually expressed sincere enjoyment of something, rather than just being a killjoy like usual! Where has this Recognitions been hiding this whole time

This looks like another show that’s sure to challenge my masculine expectations of what “good television” is!

“Twitter... delight”? Sorry, I know what those words mean individually, but together they just don’t compute!

“This might seem like an overly cynical take on modern viewers...”

I think it should be pretty obvious that South Park isn’t actually saying The Simpsons (or itself) should be cancelled. Their whole promotional campaign this season is clearly mocking the utter futility of these “#CancelColbert”-style Twitter slogans.

Uh oh, I smell another cheap cartoon crossover!

Is it really necessary for you to post on every South Park article just to regurgitate the same tired talking points about Matt and Trey’s supposed “both sides suck mentality”, and trying to blame a cartoon for spawning the Alt-right?

Cracked has befallen a very similar fate as The AV Club. Every time I pop in there these days, it’s just plain sad. You’ve now got to pay a fee just to upvote a post in the comment section, for Christ’s sake! And increasingly joke-free listicles are the order of the day.