Boner of a Lonely Heart

Maybe we should just nuke all of Twitter from orbit, just to be on the safe side.

“Unpleasured masochists”? Are you sure you’re not just talking about your sex life?

I think we’re living in such a moronic, narcissistic era that jackasses on Twitter feel like they’re somehow entitled to an apology too (which they will then heavily scrutinize the wording of). Nobody owes those people shit. What Louie needs is to apologize personally to the people that he’s wronged and talk about

...Did this make sense when you typed it out? Because it certainly doesn’t now! Good job mirroring my words though, I guess?

Barsanti’s sort of like a Bizarro version of Sean O’Neal: He has no idea how sarcasm works, so he lays it on so thick and obnoxiously that you wish he’d stop and just write a straightforward news story.

Is anybody else having some very confusing feelings about Ruth Bader Ginsberg right now?

Would this site be more interesting if it showcased perspectives besides those of the same two deeply mediocre white dudes who write pretty much every single article these days? I’m beginning to think that yes, it would be.

Chet Haze is the Mr. Rogers we all deserve right now.

Prediction: No review, as money is tight around here these days, but there will be a glib Great Job Internet article about a “bad new album from bad rapper Kanye West” that obnoxiously assumes that the writer’s opinions are universal, and makes the mistake of thinking that since they disagree with his recent

It seems a little hypocritical for The AV Club to be so snide about this, when most of their political commentary these days rarely goes much deeper than “Uh-oh! Looks like President Cheeto Von FuckFarts has done it again!”

“Is it sexual harassment when a man constantly calls his female coworker a bird?”

I don’t think we should need to spend “outrage points” at all (what is this, the world’s lamest role playing game?)! What I’m saying is that I’m tired of these types of articles that put a magnifying glass over a small, deeply pathetic faction of the internet that doesn’t deserve any attention, when it comes at the

Counterpoint: We can absolutely blame Hughes (and Barsanti) for this, because pretty much every article they write for this site are either pointless outrage pieces like this, or lazy one-sentence hack jobs.

Back when Hughes took those internet journalism classes at community college, they taught him the three R’s: Reading Reddit, Refreshing Reddit, and Ranting about the other neckbeards on Reddit long enough to try to pass it off as a “news story”!

The Waitress is such a tragic figure, because she’s arguably even more pathetic than The Gang. After all, at least they have each other. She has no one, so she just keeps getting sucked into their vortex of awfulness even though she supposedly hates them.

Yeah, there’s gonna apparently be an episode this season about about how The Gang celebrated The Eagles’ Super Bowl win. The fact that they aired them out of sequence had me scratching my head a bit too, though... This show usually pays more attention to continuity.

William Hughes has been sipping the Kool-Aid! But, just know that he’s only sipping it “ironically”.

“Gonzo fucks chickens.”