SIWOTI syndrome

Incredibly inconsequential edit: M16 is a gun, MI6 is an intelligence agency.

The aggregate score in that series was 34-34. Unquestionably one of the best WSs in my lifetime. Except for the stupid outcome.

I think this is an overrated sentiment. As improbable as it may seem, it’s CLEARLY possible, because Tatis Sr., an above-average but otherwise typical player, pulled it off. As others have said, doing it off the same pitcher is a yet longer shot based on how the game is played now, but I think the odds of it happening

Fair enough, but the number of times I ask my kid a question (which he then lies to) is, like, 15% of the total lies. Way more often it’s:

True story: In high school, my econ teacher wanted to teach about diminishing returns by giving my friend Reese’s and asking him to rate them. The score never went down. This was probably because of teenagers being jerks, or cause of the supernatural power of peanut butter cups.

“He didn’t literally murder them” is an underused defense. I'm going to see what situations I can apply it to. 

I feel like every time I have 2 I want more, and every time I have 4 I feel kinda gross. My solution to this has been a perpetual supply of bulk mini Reese’s in my desk, which, without a doubt, is a net-less-healthy option.

My wife is on record as being interested in any restaurant that has both a full cocktail menu and also a not-totally-phoned-in kids menu. These have always served us well (literally and figuratively).

Worst win in team history. Though that last shot was after the buzzer so it wouldn't have counted.

The confederate flag is important to a lot of people’s sense of identity, but that doesn’t make it impervious to criticism. Israel is important, and plays a key role that is vital to American interests in the region, but that does NOT make it wrong or inappropriate to call it out for its bullshit. As a Jew that cares

I am A) a Jew and B) a constituent of Rep. Omar. I don’t think people understand that rushing to pillory people like Omar actually makes Jews look worse! Like we’re unable to have an open discussion that might even approach criticism! It’s worth pointing out, at least in my small-ish circle of Minneapolitan Jewry,

Thank you for choosing a FOXBOX graphic where the Lions are winning and seemingly putting together a promising drive (first down at midfield). I can't remember the last time I saw that.

I’m a big Summit fan, but frequently forget how hard it is to find outside of MN. I’ll try not to take it for granted!

No freakin joke. I’ve been casually making my way through Toast of London (already finished all of IT Crowd). I was a bit worried that him in a leading role may be exhausting, but to the contrary, he’s been spectacular. Not the kind of guy I expected to generate real pathos (in addition to everything else) but he

I just finished RDR2 after many months (admittedly playing in short bursts). I LOVED it, but it can be very slow going at times. You might like having a change of pace game to turn to on occasion (which, for me, was Smash Bros).

I just finished the final story notes of RDR2 last night and am feeling a bit empty. I got AC: Odyssey as a present over the holidays and am lining that up for my next big effort, but I need a palette cleanser of some type between the two massive, all-encompassing open world stories. I’m open to any suggestions for a

Any idea how this compares to an existing extension like the Great Suspender? I’ve been using that for years and it seems to work well. 

They also go on sale all the time. I can see how they may seem expensive when you’re searching for your wedding, but keep an eye out around Black Friday (or use a BB&B 20% off coupon) and it becomes much more reasonable.

I have mine in matte black. It makes me think it’s the implement Batman would use to make cookies, which inspires me to make more cookies. Win-win.