
What about his wife, who didn’t believe them?

Funny.  I feel the same away about the women who used their sexuality to score coveted clerkships that may have otherwise gone to a more deserving candidate.  

I’m not sure of the significance of this to the story here, but every law school provides a ton of information to students about how to dress for interviews, including interviews for judicial clerkships. The reality is that many judges are extremely old and traditional, and are shocked by things like women wearing

Bring out the Clintons in response to Kavanaugh would be amazingly hypocritical and tone-deaf. Democrats went to the mattresses for Clinton despite Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, and later Lewinsky, just like the GOP did for Trump and now Kavanaugh. If you want to retain any moral high ground whatsoever, Bill

Even rich criminals love those fucking SUV’S

Geez, Ohanian is really such a tool. Federer did not scream at the ump like a madman. He did not insult him, by calling him a liar and thief to his face. He did not order him to apologize over and over again. He used the f-word, but not directed at the umpire. Proverbial apples and oranges.

Wrong highway, hon

To be fair, that’s not what he said. He said that’s how he felt about it while writing them because he had no other way to conceptualize their relationship. He’s going to have to put his spin on them- it’s his job, he’s writing for these characters. How he conceptualizes them in his head is not the same as applying


So, I take it that you live near Yellowstone and you’re just so over it.

And if he doesn’t vote to allow states to ban abortions, a lot of future women will be killed.

Yeah, but I don’t care. I still don’t believe any of it. It’s nonsense.

This is really so seriously stupid. I’m sorry, I know the Democrats don’t want Kavanaugh to be the next SC justice, but come on, this is just an over-the-top silly stunt like digging up some girl from high school. I’m sorry, even I don’t believe it.

I say Serena should take the same chromosome test just so we are sure.

It’s deliciously hilarious to see a Wells Fargo ad before the video,  you fucking hypocrites.

Well of course, that's politics on both sides of the political isle.  If it's a minority killed by a non-minority, one group will cry foul, other will remain silent.  If it's a non minority killed by a minority, the opposite will occur.  If it's a minority killed by another minority... neither group cares all that

why is everyone on the left so fucking retarded?

“you call that rape, that ain’t gonna cut it, let me show you how its done”

Lol, after the 2nd battery arrest. In one month.

Oh for fuck’s sake. The whole politically correct casting thing is reaching epic levels of bullshit and idiocy. Disprespectful? It’s called acting. The whole point of acting and playing a character is to portray someone else. Pretty soon the diversity nazis will start demanding that actors playing a role have the