
#metoo is dead in the water thanks to Asia Argento and Rose Mcgowan.

Herp derp! Libtards are funny!

Gunfire at a wake in a white community- “Shocking”, “Unheard of”, “I can’t believe it”, “We’ve never had anything like this here” would be the quotes from the witnesses.

Gunfire at a vigil in a black community... for yesterday’s murder victim- “For the third time in as many years...”, “Same fools who done it last

So, let’s take a look at the case of Myrick:

In addition to Myrick’s other serious crimes committed both before - and after - being incarcerated in juvenile detention, the week before the judge released the juvenile jailhouse Bloods gang leader, Myrick literally attempted to murder another teen prisoner via beating

LOL blacks are shooting each other over public urination

It sounds like you've made up your mind, if a person isn't brown skinned, you don't like them.....racist anyone?

Allegedly, the black gang (all men!) had targeted Latino bars and had already shot three people.

Question 1: If a Latino gang targeted black bars and shot black people, would the Latino gang be labeled as a ‘white’ gang and charged with hate crimes?

Question 2: Will (trans) Samuel Mayfield request to be incarcerated in

Black gang in Fort Worth TX targets Latino bars, kills white cop, totally ignored by “The Poot”

Baltimore is a 70 percent black city.

Back in 1918, it was nearly 90 percent white and a world class city.

Today, the city is less than 25 percent white and a place where three shootings by blacks at vigils for blacks murdered by other blacks have occurred in the past three years.

“Without him, the south would have burned to the ground, completely.”

You do realize that blacks are a tiny minority of the population, right? Any major “black revolution” would be crushed in about half a day before teatime.

I can tell by your goatee that you really care, maaan.

Trump didn’t ignore it intentionally, but of course you want everyone to believe he did.

Good for him!

I was referring to Paula Jones and others who accused him of assault.

Yet oddly they felt very differently when Bill Clinton was guilty of it. 

Let’s play devils advocate, and I assume that democrats Indy do have a strategy of falsely accusing people of sexual assault in order to get the nominee is not confirmed. And your opinion, how should we balance the need to keep women safe, and also keep our political process safe from tampering or corruption? Should

Absloutely. Just like all those ricans eating too many tacos and dying

Not true, I voted for Republican president. I am married to a black man, so your stereotyping that all the Republicans are the same. Calm down!

You are all just drinking the Koolaid. Maybe he should have said something on every national tragedy day. Did Clinton when he was president say anything on what happened on the tragedy when he was president. And funny how Obama mentioned this tragedy 5 years into his presidency. Trump has only been in a year and a