
“I’m just doing my job.” Now, where have we heard that before?

They need stronger dykes. I kid, I kid

It’s not even that he’s a white male. He’s so... bland.

Another white male, no option to play female.

My new working theory:  Splinter is a Russian troll site designed to split the democratic party and keep trump in power.

So I think what’s being lost in this, and I’m not playing devil’s advocate here, is that this admission isn’t so much about race as it is the otherizing of assault perpetrators in an attempt to reinforce his own understanding of his identity. Liam wants to be a good person, and in order to maintain that goodness he

Jerry Sandusky what seen raping a child. Michael said he wasn’t a molester. How dare somebody say I’m not a molester?

I have as lot of questions. Didn’t he already go to court and found not guilty? How do we know they are telling the truth in the documentary? Just like they say Michael lied, they could be lying too. In fact, they defended Michael originally in court, so that shows they can lie. Also, they could still be getting paid

Yeah, it’s definitely not a cold action on his part.

He just coldly snaps Zod’s neck

How do I know you are a real writer?

As a family physician, your take is utter bullshit.


Kiiiiiiind of seems like he’s being framed, huh?

Yes, because government taxation that gets spent on the vital services that we all benefit from is clearly theft, right?

Cold Hummus is what’s wrong with the world. 

which is a different thing that is not racism

And this is how you lose your shit. I’m dad and since it’s my money, this is now my account. Which I will cancel after taking your shit. Also thanks for agreeing to paint the house. And our neighbors. You’re also grounded for a...Wait for it. Fortnight. Dad wins.

Who knew that besides being an 80's guy, he was also the bane of the Montana Evangelical Militia scene.