Pokemon is the only franchise that can consistently drop major features, cut content, and do nothing to grow and evolve and still ends up reviewing well.
Pokemon is the only franchise that can consistently drop major features, cut content, and do nothing to grow and evolve and still ends up reviewing well.
Yeah, it’ll be Temuera Morrison.
“his career depends on Fortnite”
What happened to Splinter?
They told us that the PS5 would support full PS4 and PSVR backwards compatibility back in the first Wired story in April.
TLJ also shows Yoda directly interacting with Luke, hitting him with his cane. The original ending for ROTJ had Obi-Wan and Yoda returning to physical life through the Force (sort of like de-Ascending in Stargate).
Sequel series set on modern Earth with humans creating AI (not robotic servant Cylons), discovering their Colonial and Cylon heritage (maybe some stuff with Resurrection), and finally answering the question Head Baltar asked in the last scene of BSG “Does all of this have to happen again?”.
This is a budget game. IIRC it had something like a $5 million budget made by a team of around 50 people. That has to be taken into account when critically looking at something like this.
Pokemania in the twilight years of the 1990s and the nascent years of the 2000s was unlike anything that has happened before or since. Pokemon has remained popular but never to the levels it had been between the premier of the anime in the US and the release of Crystal.
You missed the superlaser emplacements on the bottom of the Class I Star Destroyers. Thats what that big red laser is from. My guess anyway, because unless the Star Destroys grew dicks I don’t see what else it could be.
It is so fucking annoying that Disney can’t do anything with the Avengers east of the Mississippi because of some weird licensing shit with Universal.
Don’t know why that traitor was ever released in the first place, they can stay the fuck in jail.
Anyone who wants to continue any private health insurance can fuck off, including Harris.
Ben’s First Order vs. Palpatine’s Sith Empire vs. Rey’s Resistance/Order of the Skywalker.
I’ve been waiting for a better Pip-Boy for a while, current smartwatches just don’t cut it.
Betsy Ross was a Quaker and Quakers by the time of the Revolution were staunch abolitionists. They were the first group to petition Congress to end slavery and the slave trade.
Congress could, in theory, override this right? Or would we need a Constitutional Amendment at this point?
Or because the Universe is a veritable fetus in terms of age (13.8 billion years out of a projected ~5 trillion lifespan), and that it took a few billion years for it to cool and settle enough for stars to form, and it took a few billion years for those stars to die, produce a second generation of stars, and produce…
If humanity had FTL you’d bet your damn ass we’d be out looking specifically for other life. I fail to see why it wouldn’t be the same for other life.