
I will accept pseudo-sciency lightsabers and magic voodoo of the force, BUT I DRAW THE LINE AT X-WINGS NAVIGATING IN ATMOSPHERE.

“We have X-Wings flying over water, which is a cute homage to Dagobah”

That scene must be on one of the extra special editions I haven’t seen.

This is actually a remake of star trek 3, but instead of spock they are searching for luke.

I’m a red-green colorblind and I can’t see anyting other than some orange and green dots.

Are you guys going to keep going with Windows Phone Apps? I mean, you’re more dedicated than Microsoft at this point.

Sliders. please... Sliders needs to happen.

More like a Scobee-don’t amiright?

I’ll see myself out.

Too much CGI not enough practical effects.

This is what I imagine Siri looks like when I get “I’m really sorry about this but I can’t take any requests right now. Please try again later” before she pours herself another drink

2 minutes? That’s some sloppy google-fu...

I can hear the thousands of whooshes. Good one.

Whoa... the Uber drivers down under sound insane. You better run; you better take cover.


Are you saying it feels a little... Forced?

If Apple doesn’t want me to see it, why is on iTunes?

I donno, Armada was worse.

I bet he named that spreadsheet “SpreadShit”