“Mugger, use Sucker Punch!”
“It’s super effective!”
“Mugger, use Sucker Punch!”
“It’s super effective!”
If WBC keeps using Pokemon in their promotional material, would Nintendo have precedent to sue them for unauthorized use of their IP? Because that is a battle that I would love to watch go down.
I’m a man who has been blackout drunk many times. Even with serious “clouded judgement” moments there was never a time where I thought “I should have sex with this unconscious girl”. You either have morals or you don’t. He doesn’t.
I’ve had glasses for nine years now and the reason I stick with them despite the obvious downsides of cleaning them and replacements due to long term damage is the fact they don’t actually come into contact with the eye and risk damaging it.
Welcome to this entire conversation. Jokes that no one is completely sure are actual jokes...
Grammar trolls correcting grammar trolls.
Jesus I don’t want to do this...
Remote Play on PC is HUGE if you have a wife and only one good TV in the main living/family room area.
Sorry, but no.
Burfict clearly watches Brown miss the ball and then lowers his shoulder to tag the defenseless receiver as he passes. It doesn’t appear that he was aiming for Brown’s head, nor did he use his own as a weapon, but absolutely went out of his way to try to make an “unsportsmanlike” hit, and the consequence was a…
I didn’t know your mom was a Steelers fan.
This was, by far, the Bengaliest way to lose a game.
It was until the last 1 minute when it just became ridiculously funny how bad Cincy fucked themselves.
Did you remember to properly ground it? Too many people with foil hats don’t, and not grounding it makes them vulnerable to teh mind-control rays. :(
More like a Scobee-don’t amiright?
I’ll see myself out.
I can hear the thousands of whooshes. Good one.
Whoa... the Uber drivers down under sound insane. You better run; you better take cover.