
I heard in summer when sales are slower they have to plow them off the streets with big trucks.. and THE TRUCKS ARE ALSO MADE OF PHONE!

All the racists on the Internet must have the weirdest boner right now.

I like how she holds up a soda and a snack to illustrate sodas and snacks as she is saying "sodas and snacks." Just in case we don't know what sodas and snacks are.

Oh would you just shut up already. We get it, you don't like it. But you don't have to be an insufferable cunt about it.

Give me a break, Godzilla was awesome.

Have you ever seen, you know, a Godzilla movie before?

Oh look, what an original comment. Not familiar with the Toho movies, are you?

Um? PS3 2010? Wha?

I shouldn't have to say this, but....

I treated a crack head last week who was having chest pain. She had the vap case. I lol'd.

Seriously, if they actually used that 170 million dollars per year on the homeless in SF, there would no longer be any homeless people left... But instead, they give it to other people to spend on thinking of ideas on how to deal with the homeless problem in SF, all of which have failed... Last time they actually

Your bizarre selective capitalization is tripping me up and I can't read this with comprehension of what you're saying because of it.

Does it hurt when you sit? I only ask out of concern because you seem butthurt.

That's great. It a lame joke, but when ever I can't remember where I left my cig, I say to my wife, " would you call my my cigarette, please?". This would make that a reality!

I have a daughter in Girl Scouts, but I refuse to let me two sons go into Boy Scouts because I abhor their policy on gay leaders. Are their alternatives that you suggest, or even ones that are possibly coed so all the kids could participate together?

Two of the worse things about being colorblind:
1. As you stated, people almost IMMEDIATLY go straight to "What color is my shirt, what color is this, what color is that?" Beyond the fact of it being incredibly demoralizing, god forbid you actually answer correctly because then they accuse you of not being colorblind

That Triceratops is screaming "Start the fucking car!" to his buddies.

blackest thing in existence.... these people have clearly never seen my ex's heart

guys this means i'm running for congress