
been a couple years - finish up your trite hatred of our President any day.

PR is a sh1thole run by incompetent (and indicted) Democrats who are now lying to make the President look bad.

lol ok misandrists, settle the f down

“If you want to know who this gutless loser is, call blah blah and ask them”

lolol 25th - the only way you’re going to “get rid of” our duly elected and awesome President is by having one of your whacko antifa leftists gun him down. I don’t put it past you, commies. μολὼν λαβέ 

Fact: 1.6% of people owned slaves, yet hundreds of years later you STILL HATE WHITE PEOPLE AND ARE RACIST TOWARD THEM

Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.

nice anecdote, bruh.

Nice article - now show all of the articles about the Clintons cursing and throwing (and stealing) and cite some sources like people actually around them aka secret service

Strange how the race of the cop matters until it doesn’t: Philando Castille? Not a white cop. Mohammed Noor who killed the Australian woman? Not a white cop.

Sex for money is wrong, killing babies in the womb is wrong and crossing borders into countries illegally is wrong.

Now playing

You leftist anti-white racists are gullible af.

Conservatism is the new counter-culture.

He gets a pass - she’s about as wide as a 2x4 and most women there were more like 4x8 - of course any hug is gonna end up going around her about three times.

Stop caving to leftist’s political-correctness demands; nothing will ever be enough for them.

Nice to see you anti-Trumping along as per usual there, soyboy McSchwartz.

Astonishing to me how leftist “Americans” are trying to shut down free speech, with the censorship of views they don’t agree with (Alex Jones etc), the second amendment, which ensures our government doesn’t become a fascist dictatorship (which the left says Trump is or is becoming) AND ensures America is protected

Meanwhile, 90%+ violence, murder, attempted murder, arson comes from..... The Left.

Democrat John McCain was not wildly appreciated among non-swamp conservatives.

What? I can’t hear you over the screaming deaths of whites at the hands of blacks in south africa...