
You’re 13% (black men about 6%) of the population, yet black people make up more than 50% of the people murdered. 8.6% killed by white people.

How did you get so racist?

So what’s the most Joneeqwashaw thing you’ve seen recently? The most Shakwanda? The most Mohammed?

Voter ID. Now.

I thought that stripe on the fuel tank was a window showing the level of gas.

even Jalopnik goes anti-Trump. meh

Probably some conspiracy where Ross has access to the billions but remains in the shadows because they purposefully left her ‘off the books’.

You can have her - she’ll fit right in with you loony sjw types.

heh. yeah. “c*ck-holster” heheh. yeah.

How about some facts? How prevalent are KKK/neo-nazi attacks here in the US? Ok, now how prevalent are attacks on Trump supporters by the left? Oh, interesting, going on 600+ in the last span of some months hmmmm.

Leftists are far more racist than these 25 neo-nazis or whoever tf these clowns are.

Proving that most attendees at last years rally were woefully misinformed about what the gathering was about - it happened at the same time as the then-alt-right-now-alt-light figures distanced themselves from these clowns. Proud Boys have disavowed all of these idiots, yet they were suspended from Twitter.

Aaaannnd another leftist “feminist” attacks conservative women in power.

AntiFA, the tacitly endorsed by congress (keith ellison, known anti-semite, nation of islam paper-carrier and spawn of america-hating, white-hating Farrakhan) will be out in full force:

When’s that next blockbuster Woody Allen film coming out?

You have your Ocasio-fox, we have ours.

Just because you don’t agree with Ben means his arguments are “shitting all over the board”.

Ocasio is stupid. Ben is a genius.

“White autism activists should have ceded the floor to black and brown autistics” - why?

Exactly. Why IS he being charged with murder?