
In the end it’s AntiFA’s fault for smashing the kid’s car and causing him to bolt away from that threat of immediate violence.

“The First Amendment” is not the same as “Freedom of Speech”

feminism is dead - it’s not needed any longer, at least not in the US where women have equality and every opportunity to succeed, just like men...more than men actually. “Feminism” in the west has become simple man-hating, and the attempt to feminize men - meanwhile, most women are VERY unhappy and unsatisfied by

yeah lefty, sure. But hey, continue ignoring the violence you cows are committing

Hey Davey and all you other leftists: that’s how much you suck.

All of the violence, (except for that goofball kid who floored it in chrltsvl when AntiFA pounded on his car, causing that fat woman to have a heart attack) has been on the left against people on the right.

Aaaannnd Mikey calls conservative black people “uncle toms”

Racism, Mikey, is when you attribute a characteristic to an entire group. You do this relentlessly. You are a racist. It’s no surprise: the Dems are kicking white people out of the party, and they insist white women step down/sit down for PoC women... back of the bus and all of that.

As much as you leftist SJW brownshirts want to redefine the word “racism” - YA CAN’T.

His base - incl me - only get more fired up the more stupids attack him. Don’t like his comments on a bus 10 years ago about goldigging whoo-ers? FINE, WE GET IT. Think you’re going to take my president down with a cast of Clintonistas so mired in the deep state that their zip code is “20 below zero”?

So now that Kim has shown herself to be a free-thinker (like Kanye, hmm) - the left is going all-out attacking her.

Good to see theRacists is still pumping out racist anti-white drivel.

I didn’t think you could get any more racist, Mikey, but you sure went there.

The only hackers, mr. anti-white extremist, are the millions of illegals who voted and will be voting again.

For every story of a white man shouting at a black man - there are 27 stories of black men beating, robbing, raping, killing, mugging, torturing and shooting whites.


You idiots. You utter clueless morons.

Yay, socialism! Just disband our military, stop protecting the rest of the world, chop up tech companies and spread the wealth! WOooooOOoo!

So you’re crowing for socialism. Who cares.

lol you don’t get it: