Fact: Soda takes years off your life.
Fact: Soda takes years off your life.
You and your readers appear to be anti-Semites. Perhaps read up on and check your definitions, because you certainly qualify.
Uh... I was never given the opportunity to take and or respond to CBS’ poll... Nor do I watch cable TV. Therefore the premise that, “66% of Americans disapprove”, is bullshit. I for one approve of better border security. Come at be trolls and try-hards and SJWs. Suck it.
Oh perhaps just grow and stop letting every little thing bother you. Keep in mind I don’t mean you should sit idly by if someone is making actual threats (in which case, report away), but if someone disagrees with you vehemently and perhaps even (gasp!) calls you a bad name, ignore them and block them. Pretty simple.
Clinton, meanwhile, equivocated on gay marriage for years before coming out in support of it in the run up to her second presidential campaign.
WTF is the point of living in modern times if a person doesn’t avail herself of some of its luxuries, like a freaking pre-natal appointment to a midwife or something? Yet she will chatter on FB about the “primal instinct” that takes over. Guess what? Birthing can be pretty deadly, just look at history. But no, the…
Nah the left will continue to obsess over being cultural police while losing elections.
I found this headline to be much more trashy and manipulative than a typical Jezebel headline, and was sincerely surprised. Titles like this are why I refuse to read BuzzFeed. So far all my comments have been approved, so if this one isn’t at least we know why.
For context: the USA is aright of center EMPIRE. The most progressive agenda in a right of center EMPIRE is equivalent to the least smelly turd or the least deadly cancer.
Catcalling? You gotta be kidding. Debate is the central pillar of the political process. And she responds as if he’s whistling at her calling “Hey baby”? It’s an invitation to a POLITICAL DEBATE.
Instead of sanctimoniously alienating half of your viewers with your twisted, inaccurate, presumptuous and simplistic views of their politics, how about you just stick to talking about cars?
All of the violence, (except for that goofball kid who floored it in chrltsvl when AntiFA pounded on his car, causing that fat woman to have a heart attack) has been on the left against people on the right.
Racism, Mikey, is when you attribute a characteristic to an entire group. You do this relentlessly. You are a racist. It’s no surprise: the Dems are kicking white people out of the party, and they insist white women step down/sit down for PoC women... back of the bus and all of that.
As much as you leftist SJW brownshirts want to redefine the word “racism” - YA CAN’T.
“They want walls? Give them their fucking walls.”
Nonbinary is just a fashion statement, at this point. All the cool kids are denouncing their biological gender! I wanna be cool, too! Obviously, I’m not talking about people that are inter-sexed or hermaphrodites, as that’s a physicality that some people are born with. I totally understand that. But, all this mental…
I believe it is. The brutality and intensity is completely necessary for the kind of game they’re making. If you’re horrified and bothered by the violence it means they’re doing their jobs right.
Absolutely correct.
Well when confronted with such a well-reasoned argument, I suppose the evidence provided by virtually every other developed, Western nation is meaningless. You’ve finally found the key to unraveling progressive economic theory once and for all!
This will be an unpopular opinion, but there will come a day when people regret demonizing the NRA and driving them to oblivion. It is vital for the long-term survival of the United States of America that a significant percentage of our citizens are proficient in the use of firearms. I just do not understand why…