If she were leftist Chelsea Clinton you’d all be yapping at her heels, singing praise to the high heaven about how “in-touch” and “woke” she was.
If she were leftist Chelsea Clinton you’d all be yapping at her heels, singing praise to the high heaven about how “in-touch” and “woke” she was.
Weird how every President before Trump was anti-gay-marriage.
Good. The rest of us have to work and those of us that make more than McDonlz moneys have to pay money TO the government, who then makes programs like welfare, SNAP, lobsterfest/sodeepop-card, call it what you want.
Bossy Hogg sucks - he’s a crass, mean-spirited puppet of leftist media who has been paraded about like some poster boy for gun control.
Pretty sure in human brains (mostly male?) there’s an itchy chunk, maybe the amygdala, that really really enjoys the scratch it gets when playing violent video games.
Where’s the effing numbers? Everything I see has cops pulling and willing to pull the trigger more on white thugs, yes percentage-based.
Wow, you’re so deep in your leftist cult you don’t know what you’re saying. We agree, nobody should be getting shot by crazy mf’ers.
Chopper overhead searchlight blazing dogs barking didn’t clue him in to the fact there was a police presence in the area, after dark, actively searching for someone? Sure.
He punches back.
Wow Mikey - you so racist. “Even though black-on-white racism technically exists, it is rarely injurious.”
Whatever leads up to the point of cop vs civilian, it doesn’t matter. The ensuing interaction does.
I’m not going to take seriously anything you progressive left “feminists” or other activists have to say about anyone you deem as “hero” until you clean up your act:
Passive-aggressive people complaining passive-aggressively.
Companies are still giving back to their employees, through wage increases, bonuses and yes as part of their 401Ks.
Wut! Another great anti-Trump anti-whitefolk piece.
Do your got-dam research: CCW are safer than cops, than the general populace, BY FAR.
If Obama said it, it would be the best idea in the whole world.