
Mikey or Tshanquinique or P-Dab or whatever the hell you’re probably going by these days - you are the most racist mothereffer on the web, and that’s AFTER I give theRacists +20 slide points for being really, very pro-black and super, 100% anti-white.

This totally undoes the stereotype of loudmouth black women.

Just when you think Mikey here can’t get any more racist or anti-white...yep, he does.

He’s simply pointing out the hype - the absurdity about how woke white allies are wondering if it’s ok to go see the movie or if they should allow black people to celebrate without white people stepping on it.


Rampant SSRI dosing because doctors don’t have the time needed to figure out chemical imbalance or other factor leading to depression/anxiety etc.

David Boddiger, with his last article on how Catholics are terrible because they don’t believe in gay marriage, is now espousing leftist propaganda about how ‘illegals are people too, they don’t commit crimes, they accomplish more than you, a regular old American, ever will and just face it, they’re better than you.’

Haaaaave ya met Catholicism?

Meanwhile, that leftist pop culture fantasy fun known as ISLAM, is being extolled on the left for it’s virtues, like.....I’m not sure, some woman screeching allauha akbar over a loudspeaker and it made you cry, maybe? Can’t think of 1 good thing to say about crap Islam - maybe that’s why we Christians used to go to

WOW, a 70+ year old man is bald.

Y’all anti-white racists, and you f*cking know it.

You are leader of the world when it’s your economy that drives the world, your entertainment industry (effing liberal SJW’s that they may be), when your tweets bring prisoners home, when your bombs destroy a caliphate.

So, you ARE canadian. Notice I didn’t capitalize the word.

The exact same group of Minnesota BLM that famously chanted “Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon”

You stupid lefties. You don’t know whether to be happy he’s in a crappy marriage or happy if he gets out of a crappy marriage. You hate him so much but you hate her so much too.

Welcome to McCarthyism mixed with a healthy dose of anti-white racism; welcome to theRoot!

Judging from your level of highbrow, nose-in-the-air, extreme leftist elitism/marxism who butts in on other country’s goings-on goings-on, I’m going to guess Canada. Possibly some other Scandinavian sh*thole.

You didn’t argue anything, other than you think Trump supporters should somehow be targeted, ominously like Scalise and other GOP members were targeted on a baseball field just a little while ago.

You would think endorsing (domestic terror group) AntiFA and being a Farrakhan-spawn (like Obama!) would ring some alarm-bells on the left, but nooooo... you leftists love your crazies like Keith Ellison.