
Keep up the leftist vitriol. It simply pushes more independents into our arms on the right. We know you hate us Trump supporters. We relish it. We love it. We love seeing you bumble and shout and cry and focus on the stupid things that don’t matter, like throwing paper towels. Your party ostracized voluntarily half of

To what end this history lesson? The black culture has a problem NOW, and it involves inner city black v black murder, welfare seen positively instead of something shameful, the loss of the nuclear family, rap music glorifying misogyny, crime, drugs and other stereotypical thug behavior. Do something for those kids in

She’s pushing back against the message that started with HRC: that Trump and his supporters are not human - they are evil and must be stopped. This MUST be pushed back against because the crazy fringes are already acting on these ideas (Scalise, maybe LV). Sarah has her right to free speech as well and if she thinks

Let’s talk about gun control right after we talk about the islamization of europe. Islam 2017: 1000+ attacks, 6,000 fatalities. Why does the left continue to ignore terror attacks “pray for muslims” yet thinks going against our Constitution and our 2A is a good idea? GUN CONTROL DOES NOT KEEP BAD PEOPLE FROM DOING BAD

Why blame Trump for crappy infrastructure, terrible local Democrat leadership and drivers on strike? WE HAVE HELPED, WE ARE HELPING. Trump understands building and what it takes to keep everything running - look at Houston, look at Florida. NOW the left politicizes PR because they’re chock-full of Dems with hate in

Now playing

More socialist garbage. Your main assertion that income equality it bad is a flawed assertion. This is America, not Venez-eat-your-dog-town.

The problem is the left screams “racism” for every single issue going on in the US. That’s all they have - it’s their end-game go-to for identity politics. Their only last step is to boot white people from the Democrat party. The right aren’t racist; they’re individualists. Do a column on that maybe.

Stop the kneeling and look to the oppressor: The Democratic Party.

If you’re anti-cop you’re on the wrong side, period. Colin proudly wore his “cops as pigs” socks on the field and his Fidel Castro t-shirts at oppression press conferences. You take a knee - doesn’t matter the reason - you’re against America. Do what you like but be prepared to suffer the consequences for such an

More anti-Trump drivel. It’s like post-nasal-drip from this site now; it simply won’t stop and it’s so annoying. “insult citizens exercising their constitutional rights”? You’re implying it’s not a constitutional right to “insult” anti-patriots. Yes, kneelers are anti-patriots, fake Americans and should in fact be

Illegal aliens get free life-saving health care for their infant and then get deported...because they’re illegal aliens who jumped the legal line...because they’re criminals....who get free life-saving health care... Stuff your sanctimony and anecdotes - this is a country of laws. Do it right, come to America legally,

Now playing

Debunked. Stupid. Promotes division. White people done being the scapegoat of “everything bad that’s ever happened to you”. Try again, this time without racism against white people.

Next up: incomplete list of neighborhoods black people burnt to the ground - shocking twist: their own neighborhoods! Also: BLM given a stage and microphone at right wing event - media silent, BLM disowns speaker. Keep up the racist garbage!

Her name was literally Becky! = He was literally eating chicken!

But it’s cool when AntiFA thugs wearing hammer and sickle armbands (hundreds of millions killed by communism in this century alone) yell at people, right? Those who counter speech with violence ARE the fascists. YOU are the bad guy.

Start with rap music - get the message out that it’s NOT cool to kill people and commit crime. DO SOMETHING other than complain.

When you’re a hammer everything looks like a nail - when you’re a doctor, everything looks like a disease and evidently when you’re black (at least the black writers on THIS site), all white people look like white supremacists. Yeah, no. Do you know how many ACTUAL white supremacists there are? Like 12. It’s like

dumb. way to hop on Hillary’s “deplorables” train. If you’re sick of people being painted with a broad brush, ie. “all black people” then STOP fomenting ideas about “all white people” or “all trump people”. The only “all people” we are is American. Nobody is a victim unless you choose to be. Stop the blame. Stop

“wasn’t sure the attack was racially motivated” = perps are black/biracial/related