
I know you don’t want to hear it, but rap, hip-hop, thug life is DEAD. Time to stop glamorizing gang violence, crime, misogyny, racism, Chicago gangbanging, crime, gang violence, crime - am I getting the message across? Heroes of one’s community and culture are supposed to lift up, energize, cleanse, and above all

Probably an easy answer that doesn’t involve rednecks, Trump or “Texas Pride” - we have enough help right now and it’s hard enough communicating between local, state and fed without bringing in ANOTHER COUNTRY. For those that say you can never have enough help - eh, right now it’s crowded and tense and it’s important

I call BS. This was a cop saying whatever to get the person to calm the hell down.

From the video I saw of strapping young black men leaping over detritous, or video I’ve seen of young black men looting in Baltimore, or of young black men looting wherever - maybe it’s time people like you quit saying ‘don’t call the cops on looters’ and instead taking the position that ‘committing crimes is wrong.’

Hopefully your next article is about loud black women or I’ll think you’re being racist.

Until they’re proven to be dangerous looting thugs that brought their boats from louisiana to texas to rape and pillage, let them help.

Looting in Texas can get you killed - don’t promote looting. Unless it’s literally life and death, which by the way young healthy men leaping over detritus in the videos showed - it wasn’t - then DON’T LOOT.

Pff, nobody asking how they can help ME and I’m not asking for help. HELP YOURSELF. Do three things and you’ll be fine in life: 1) graduate from HS 2) don’t have a kid before 25 3) don’t commit crimes. There’s your help. Want more help? Follow Red Pill Black https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0u5uz7KZ9q-pe-VC8TY-w

Stop fomenting hatred between communities and the police. It’s because of words like yours that young black men DON’T drop their weapon when told, DON’T stop when told, DON’T show their hands when told. It’s because of YOU that young black men think the cop WILL MURDER THEM when ffs bad cop shootings are so rare as to

How’s that non-polite “activism” going for ya? Everybody just loves riots and looting and blocking traffic and kneeling and whatever other BS groups like BLM have planned. Continue to divide people by race and class and gender and politics and you’re just going to see more tribalism which ALWAYS leads to war in the