
They’ll say this because he’ll say it. We’ve been sacrificing our freedoms for going on 16 years. What will happen when Trump has his own Reichstag or September 11th?

That’s indeed why the correct answer is to destroy the Ring rather than trying to give it to Galadriel.

Yup. Baseless and evidence-free claims from his political rivals that Obama wanted to be a dictator are exactly the same as taking Trump at his actual word. Exactly the same.

So when it happens, don’t act surprised.

James Hetfield said “and it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel is just a freight train coming your way”

Anti-Christ in office, birds falling from the sky. It’s happening people.

Rat droppings. The rats are bigger in Texas.

“Are people this fucking stupid?”

UGH. Carrie Fisher is gone and you’re probably right and next year is going to be even WORSE. I can haz booze?

The Rockettes who have opted into the inauguration will join an America’s Got Talent runner-up and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

No kidding.

I love the circularity of the “liberal snobbishness” argument: a bunch of white voters are angry at the idea of being looked down on as stupid racists by liberals, so they support a stupid racist to prove those liberals wrong. Gosh, sure showed me.

I was a friend of the white working class, until they stabbed me in the fucking back because the world’s most obvious con-man told them he could make jobs happen by magic. Yeah, they can fucking hang. I’ll supply the rope.

THIS. They call themselves “real Americans” and talk about people in the cities (i.e. the American people) “them.” America is just as racist as in the Jim Crow days, end of story.

I can only imagine that the oh-so thinly-veiled disdain liberals have for certain parts of middle America is in no way responsible for their unwillingness to vote for liberals.

They are the softest, whiniest motherfuckers on the fucking planet. OUR distain for them? What, because we don’t like Larry the Cable Guy? They fucking HATE us. We support things like higher wages and universal health care and they think we are faggot commies. We don’t actively support things that make their lives

It’s not about government programs. It’s not about the economy. It’s not about anything but their aggrieved entitlement. They are the victims of diversity. They seeing their privilege vanish. But they deserve the power. They deserve jobs. They deserve our respect. They deserve to grab pussies. They can’t stomach

I can imagine that the hatred that middle America has for people living the cities is very responsible for their unwillingness to vote for liberals. So, now, when the conservatives fuck them over, I will be there cheering. If my cheering is more offensive to them than people taking away their houses, their medical

I can only imagine that the oh-so thinly-veiled disdain liberals have for certain parts of middle America is in no way responsible for their unwillingness to vote for liberals.

i still find it ironic that michigan went for trump considering Obama stuck his neck out to bail out the auto industry, much to the vocal hate of the GOP who were all for letting them fail..which would have been disastrous for that region. And now they look to the GOP as their savior?!?