Got it in one take!
Got it in one take!
I hope they all get black lung. Right after they lose their healthcare!
They want to vent their frustrations by killing black people. They want to realize a white supremacist fantasy of an all white USA or at least turn back the clock to about 1850. Murderous cops are gonna have millions of eager freelance helpers. See Poland/Nazis/Jews 1939 -45.
We descend into being a completely failed state. No running water. Running battles in cities. All deliveries stopped. Corpses in the streets, etc.
Go for the premium vodka. Or a good single malt. Champagne is never wrong. Might as well get hammered cause all bets are off. And don’t forget DRUGS: They make things easier.
If only. Ned has empathy and a moral center.
Once, in better times the allegedly civilized nations determined in a court of what we used to call “Law” that “just doing my job” was not acceptable /admissible as a defense. Good times, they were then. #scaredshitless
You get it down, I’ll help you stomp the shit out of it.
Oh I fear you’re gonna get that wish alrighty. Yes indeedy do. #scaredshitless
When he hooked up with the skinniest woman in the world, (TM)I realized there was no hope for me. Dream crushed.
THARN THARN THARN GODDDAMN IT I can’t fucking take much more of this.
Winter is HERE. NOW. FTFY.
That sweater is AWESOME. You are a great gift giver.