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We’re tired of our stupid, incompetent leaders who make bad deals not in our interests.

“Portrait of MOO”

I believe it’s the red coloration being compared. If you can’t see that, then you may be color blind. What number do you see below?

I think it’s medical devices. But really, the wonder of 3-D printing is not being able to create an item “instantly”, it’s being able to create customized things that could not be produced under any other manufacturing process.

Part of a “what if Michael Bay directed gifs?”... or something. Don’t ask questions just enjoy!!

Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy...the original quote actually refers to mice.

“Jettisons their leg” in response to a threat...where have I seen that before....

These creatures you call rats, you see, they are not quite as they appear. They are merely the protrusion into our dimension of vastly hyperintelligent pandimensional beings. Or...at least the maze bright ones. The maze dull ones are probably just ordinary rats.

That’s the beauty of climate change. You can’t disprove it. The climate changes. Always has, always will. Climate change is always right.

NASA is clearly confusing weather with climate.

You mean...like....do something?! Me? I should do something? But it’s so much better when we keep the discourse to climate change where we can blame “capitalism” and Big Corporation Inc. They should have to do something. Not me.

Don’t confuse climate with weather.

800 to 5,000 years is less than a blink of an eye in solar/geologic terms. This is a mindbogglingly small window for such a catastrophe (a super-volcano erupts every 100,000 years by comparison).

Mass extinction caused by climate change could not occur for hundreds of years (minimum), and as you point out, we will see it coming and work to counter the effects (time will tell if we are successful). The end of our civilization due to a CME could easily happen in our lifetime. For this reason, I am more afraid

And like you say, the risk from climate change is dynamic. You say that it will keep rising, but I would pose that it could also be diminished by future technological advances as well. The risk from a CME is nearly static (and high), since there seems to be little we can do to protect ourselves apart from abandoning

I disagree. If you read the article, a large CME is much more common than we humans tend to realize, it’s just that we never relied on electronics in the past (read up on the Carrington event mentioned above for a small preview of what could happen). We were almost hit in 2012 but dodged a solar bullet. While the