
Why the actual fuck is this thing still on the “You may also like” rotation? Six fucking years is enough years.

Whaaat? I thought that looked amazing!

I find it interesting how many people who responded to you don’t believe you or don’t think it’s possible. This is why so many people think people who use and own drones are asshole douche bags... because the evidence supports it.

All good points... But what good reason would a drone operator have to be hovering outside multiple windows?

For size reference, including Blue Origin’s recently announced New Glenn:

Yep. Was going to point that out too. It’s not too hard to tell. Come on, Gizmodo!

Urine big trouble if this happens to you while streaming wirelessly. Apple shouldn’t stall, and quickly offer something in loo of completely wireless if they are jockeying for a number one slot and want to keep a leg up. Offering a dongle could hold water. Maybe they should they slash the price on a replacement pair

Except that this isn’t “racist blackface.” It’s entirely divorced from the tradition, tropes, intent, meaning, methods, and practices of blackface that makes it so shameful.

“Nd YHVH sd: whl prfrmng brnt ffrngs, tk cr nt t st nrby bjcts n fr, y kncklhds.”

The lens camera lens test is probably my favorite. Typically I don’t care for tests like this unless it is to prove a claim by the manufacturer.

Just turn off the news and sign off Facebook. Yes this is all depressing beyond belief, but there is so much to life that has nothing to do with any of it. Embrace the good shit and block out the bad.

So they found the HMS Terror in Terror Bay? Not exactly Indiana Jones.

Note: this appears to be fixable. Connect to itunes, hit “update” (NOT restore) - let it do it’s thing.

That’s really funny! So subtle yet so obvious!

The katana is my favorite part.

Fly, my pretties!

Verizon supports LTE data and voice. You just have to switch it on in your iPhone’s settings: Settings > Cellular > Enable LTE > Voice + Data

It’s really all about perspective,

Artist’s updated rendition of sexy time in space.
