
I’m so on board with this suggestion. I think I’d take a good-condition, relatively pedestrian V8 Vantage over anything else suggested, tbh.

Your stoicism is impressive. :)

This liberal—and decidedly un-wealthy by American standards—appreciator of fine sports cars thinks you need an internet time out. This is just nonsensical.

It’s Russia. There’s a fair chance the mechanic won’t survive either.

I’m seeing a LOT of Aston in that profile. It’s not a bad thing. But it’s definitely there.

The level of barbarism and incivility tolerated in that country is shocking.

Oh. She’s an “actress” huh? I’d pay to watch them throw her in that water with no cage and a bucket of chum.

This ad exemplifies everything that made me HATE American cars for 30 years of my life. Produce rolling junk and let the marketing guys sort it out.

I’m sure Republicans are hard at work on ways to block this too.

Real men drive to the gym and get pumped. It’s all about the gainz, bro.

Word of caution to everyone that posts evidence online because it will get them much-desired attention, then realizes that insurance adjusters have computers too... The internet never forgets.

No thanks when I turned 16 and got my license I quit riding bikes

Is it increased reporting of incidents? Or are people generally just being more uncivil toward each other on planes?

This would definitely be the forward car on the train.

I rode in my brother’s Yugo a fair bit when it was brand new, drove it some, so I can’t shake this question in my head ... “Why bother?” The car was completely awful when new, terrible everything. I spent every moment in that car marveling at just how craptastic it was. A rider mower is way way way more fun, and

This psychotic views any government interjection into his life as an unbearable tyranny. It is supremely satisfying to see his head pushed to the pavement under the proverbial boot of his supposed oppressors. Heel little man, heel.

TBH I think I like Reznor/Karen O’s cover better than the original.

All religions are grifts devised by con-men. Scientology is not unique in this.

And what makes Scientology incomparable to any other magical belief system? Is it simply the year it was founded and the numbers of followers? Mormonism was founded what? Two hundred years ago and started with some guy named John Smith seeing a vision in a field in New York State? The Jesus thing started a couple

“Allegedly” oppressive? The Cult of Scientology’s oppressive methodologies are well known and well documented.