
I presume the logic behind this is to neuter the vehicle so it can’t be driven crazily. I understand the de-tuning because that will keep things nice and slow. But isn’t a tippy car less safe because it’s more unstable? Why is putting your precious child in a less safe car a good thing? This part I don’t get.

Worst: My first car, a 1984 VW Rabbit GTI. That thing blew CV joints like popcorn. Loved it like my first car but grew to hate it.

Sounds like the makings of a Cohen brothers film.

This reminds me a bit of my complaints about the internet in general. In the 90's, before all of the rabble got online, the internet was a much more pleasant place to be in some ways. Sometimes I miss just using my keyboard to toggle through USENET groups on a VAX terminal in a dark room.

Some stories end as they should. Buh bye.

For all these reasons, yes the SV650 is a great first bike.

First off, I 100% agree this man belongs nowhere near children. That said, the first question that comes to my mind is at what point did she determine the guy she’s married to is psychotic? What was the straw that broke the camels back? Because this asshole’s been psychotic since the first time I saw his act years

I usually find most Acura designs to be pretty generic, so this isn’t much different.

That is the most uninspired supercar design I’ve seen in a long time. I can’t decide whether I think it’s ugly or just boring.

... chanting U.S.A. in a tweet about starting a war with North Korea.

You seriously think this is the worst that’s been said? Yes of course the United kerfuffle was handled in the worst possible way, and continues to be with poor PR by their execs. Still nobody died. This was a joke. Big deal.

Yeah unless you don’t mind the $400 voucher in exchange for a minor layover. Hold out for $1200 and get nothing? The title of this article is kind of pointless.

Yeah I’m not that familiar with buying used trucks. Good point.

Remedy #1 for your complaints is never buy new. Let idiots or rich people pay for new cars. Late-model used is generally the way to go.

I love the hyperloop idea, but the entire system seems to me like one big, fat, juicy target for an attack of some sort. Wait for a pod to approach, small explosive... people die.

Evil geniuses don’t get caught. Levandowski isn’t a genius, he’s just a corporate thief. Seems like he’d be a perfect fit for Uber.

People keep criticizing the car for the plain front end. I’ve had a similar issue getting used to a car with no grill. Initially I had a hard time accepting painted bodywork where there is normally some sort of styled inlet for the radiator. It comes to this though... these cars do not have combustion engines so they

When was the last time your parking meter ran over? You broke the law, asshole. I don’t know you, and you’re probably not an asshole. Just making a point.

You can just say you were wrong. It’s ok. We all are sometimes.

Alternate title: “How to Take More Douchey Selfies, Because We Know You Need Validation.”