
It’s so easy to see why for-profit prisons are so popular right now. Besides the obvious revenues there are also all kinds of little side hustles like this.

Is “Swing Vote” real life?

No, no, silly billy, those are medical necessities.

I hated Clay Aiken before, but this really sealed the deal.

So voters in swing states going from voting for Obama to voting for Trump was NOT a leap of faith, but those same voters going from Trump to Warren (at least back to someone who has the slightest idea what the fuck they’re talking about) would be?

Because voting for Donald Trump wasn’t taking a leap of faith?

Really, Michelle, your values are the same as the man who sent thousands of soldiers to the wrong country to both die and kill millions of others?  Sounds like a big load of bullshit.

Quick, everybody, let’s get that wall that stops planes that he keeps blathering on about constructed ASAP!

Eh, the new format isn’t exactly barfmazing, but at least it’s not shitrrific. I think the proper term for it is somewhere around vomitastic?  Not sure, I’ve misplaced my swatches.

It’s one of those sort of terrible twists of life that those most against abortion are the ones whose parents would have most benefited from having one.

I’m sure people in economically challenged countries just love to hear about how two American turkeys get to fuck around in a hotel room larger and more glorious than anything they will ever see in their lives, an outing ending in us chopping their fucking heads off anyways because that’s just how we do here in

It’s also similar to the church scene from Kingsman, and even though this movie did not have anything to do with subliminal messaging, it also reminded me of the scene from Inglorious Bastards where the French woman burns down the theater while mocking the dying Nazis on the screen.

Don’t you know that you are a stupid star?

Obligatory on any article about this bumbaclot:

I’m really torn. I want to eat the rich but they all seem either too stringy or too fatty. Ah well, the things I do for society.

Probably is just gas, since that’s what they’re accusing the Democrats of, and we all know how Republican projection works.

I’m a gay man, and I would absolutely love to see someone like myself in the Presidency in my lifetime. But please, dear God, don’t let it be this milquetoast, middle of the road, boring, mildly weird white dude.  That’s TOO much like myself.

He was elected twice because his inspirational message inspired massive Democratic turnout, not because he appealed to fucking moderates. This coming election can only be won in the same way, and yet he wants to start coddling these wishy-washy fucks? If you are so flaky as a Democrat that a few more taxes will throw

I have to say I am so disappointed in Obama lately. As much as I still like him, his political nature has really shown itself since he left the office, and it’s not a good look for him. Along with Bill Gates making his stupid comments lately, I’m getting a bit disillusioned with the fact that I used to think there