

He can't even pronounce A-1.

Jeez, they couldn’t even be bothered to proofread that obit, huh? Not that that moron deserves it.

Trump was never actually involved much in the real estate business.

I keep telling myself that the risk of spread to someone intelligent is likely minimal. They are probably social distancing, and so the only place they would come across Trump supporters this fervent is grocery shopping, and not even then unless they shop at Walmart.  Of course, people being forced back to work is

I’ve skimmed most of it. My impression so far is that Trump is every bit as petty and stupid as expected, but far more involved than I would have thought.

If Jezeus was intentional, I love it.

Sounds like something TomatoFace would say...

Oh my!


This is like some fucked up word problem from a high school nightmare.

UncleWalty: “More than 2000 people PER DAY are dying in the US.”

I’m trying to figure out if you are a complete idiot or just arguing in bad faith. The virus is killing 2,000 AMERICANS a day. Your numbers on malaria and influenza are WORLDWIDE. The virus kills 7,500 people WORLDWIDE every day. Therefore, you should compare the malaria and flu numbers to THAT.

“Same story” is bullshit.  It changed many times.

There were rumors way back when that Trump was fucking Hope. Wouldn’t surprise me if her job was to take the Donald’s mind off of his current problems.

Idiots who sport the Confederate flag and aren’t even in a Southern state are a real special bunch.

It’s amazing (and disgusting) that it is so rare to see a politician join public service to... you know... actually serve the public, instead of to make a cash grab or otherwise do evil things, that it can bring you to tears.

Seems like white women will take just about anybody except Bernie/Warren, and they’re just trying to figure out what the least offensive option is. If Bernie is the nominee, look for the 53% figure that voted for Trump to actually increase.

I was a Warren supporter from the beginning, but now I really think she should bow out and throw her support to Bernie.  The last thing we need out of this whole deal is a brokered convention, and the more people that are in it for a long period of time makes that more likely.

Regardless of how Amy does, Biden needs to just pack it in after New Hampshire. The two of them are now polling neck and neck in the state at about 11%. Some front-runner.