
It is!

All this talk about Biden is just because he’s barely opened his mouth yet publicly.  There is a reason he never went anywhere in his previous two bids for President, and it will become more apparent as we head into the debates next month.

A Democrat who is an insurance executive and a long time friend of Donald Trump is no fucking Democrat at all.

“News Host Reportedly Lobbied”

We always knew he would turn on Fox eventually, since if they wanted to seem like anything other than state run TV they would have to eventually criticize him/the party in some way. This, though, this is glorious. They invite a Democrat on assuming that they will crash and burn, they get applause, and Trump bashes the

Look, we just want to make sure everyone has a voice, alright? Then we let our enemies drown out those voices by infiltrating our groups with their own voices. What’s not to love?

Actually, when you enter the bathroom you’re Russian.  Afterwards you’re Finnish.

Gee, those wascawee Democwats always setting up secret illegal meetings with Republicans and foreign entities and assuming that they’ll show up for them and being right about that.

I think he might even have another one of those epic slaps from his college days in his future.

Sorry, but the NRA already exists.

And all you have to give up is every smidgen of credibility you ever had with anyone outside of the nuttier-than-squirrel-shit moron brigade.

I always knew Duncan Hunter was full of something heinous, but holy good goddamn, this is some fragrant bullshit. Shooting unarmed prisoners is “compassionate combat”? And apparently compassion and the rules of engagement are now bad things?

Current relief for Maria sits at about $11 billion. Hurricane Harvey relief has run about $120 billion. So, some number in between those two would be preferable.

I’m going to explain this to you one time and then we will never have discourse again. I posted a comment in a public forum (which I have every right to do) that in no way was meant to demean Kamala Harris. The dumbshit above you are fellating not only responded to it three times with very rude and condescending

Don’t care. I’ve read plenty of what my “interlocuter” has wrote, and am pretty confident they are entirely full of shit. They also made a goddamn ton of assumptions about me here, so they can fuck right off.

Yup, hit him from every single angle.  This is a big one, because it not only shows his complete incompetence, but also his total disregard for “lesser” lives.  If the Dems are smart, they will keep this in the news cycle for as long as they can.

Oh George, could you stop making me hate you for just a minute or two?

I just felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of people had all cried out “duh” in unison.

In your theory, we are pursuing 45% of the 35% that identify as moderate, or approximately 16% of the electorate. Of course, we won’t be able to get every single one of them no matter what, so at most we could probably get 10% of the electorate with this strategy.

Hahahaha, I guess anyone who disagrees with you is a troll. You are the one who started dismissing reasoned comments, so I think I will follow suit. I hope they took you a reaaaalllllly long time to type out, too. Oh, and I don’t think your links go to where you think they do.