
What, is that a threat?

Thanks for another great news story about a tweet!

and climbed over the couch

this article marks the point where avclub comment threads and youtube comment threads became indistinguishable

y'know what's worse than this boring comment is the guy who upvoted it

What, not a single mention of Lucio Fulci's "The Gates of Hell/City of the Living Dead?"

Hold on, I'm gonna ask my older son, Disney Marvel, what he thinks!

yes the character is a mass-murderer whose defining characteristics are that he's petulant and insecure, but he has a RED LIGHTSABER!!!!!!! just like DARTH VADER!!!!!!!!!!

thanks for another great article about some tweets!

okay, but who's gonna be the cock-holster for whom?

pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo


… what analogy?

I guess they don't all die at the end of the new one, then? That's disappointing. I'd hoped Rogue One would set a trend.

Shadow, our protagonist, with an established personality in the source material,

Y'know what's a gorgeous game with hand—drawn art that just came out and is also fucking awesome to play? HOLLOW KNIGHT.

A manic pixie dreamgirl who's literally a pixie!

i bet you didn't think that one through before you write it, lol

like, the Wendigo obviously does perform the thematic function the author ascribes to it, but: a) it's thunderingly obvious subtext, b) that story convention (characters' past mistakes returning to haunt them) is common to, like, all fiction; and its expression as a "killer" is itself a tired trope within the generic

this video truly is something awful.