
i maintain that GRRM was only ever actually interested in writing the political machinations that more or less wrapped up at the end of the third book. He used the few high fantasy trappings that were there as coloring to the narrative and as a way to get his primary market hooked on the material, but he was never

That show is over. Now we have the show of Dany ex Machina wherein Jon Snow gets out of a pickle EVEN THOUGH the audio went quiet and everything went slow motion for a few seconds, so you thought he was going to die, right? We convinced you he was in danger?

For Our Consideration: Is Beating Sephiroth the Key to Winning Final Fantasy VII?

"Eckstein the oddsmaker says: He just came back and he just has to die."

he also slyly gives it away in the second scene of the film, where a cackling witch mashes a baby into paste with a pestle

what he's trying to say is that he's better than us

you're on the wrong website. might i suggest stormfront?

needlessly ugly?

[whispers to self] the venture bros.

Pet Sematary is the funniest comedy of 1989


remember when the AVClub newswire posted a credulous article about that photo?


Irrelevant actress. Sad!

what happened in Haunting Ground is AZOTH!!!! AZOTH!!!! I WILL CLAIM YOUR AZOTH, FIONA!!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!! GIVE ME YOUR AZOTH!!!

How's that?

What does this have to do with films, music, television shows, books, or art?

I agree it's a shame, but at least the previous reboot was a *fun* flashy action-adventure movie.

i have never heard this word in my fucking life but i guess the oxford dictionary knows better

So, Bride of Frankenstein, then.