can we get a "Great Job, Internet!" on a new website I just discovered? the address is " " which I guess stands for "You're the Man Now, Dog."
can we get a "Great Job, Internet!" on a new website I just discovered? the address is " " which I guess stands for "You're the Man Now, Dog."
i bet there's less of a chillness gap than you think there is between myself and the person who finds the non-existent Christian proselytizing of the SNES game Actraiser "fairly offensive"
"It has overt (and fairly offensive) Christian themes, but it’s so good that it’s worth putting up with a little proselytizing."
Harold Bloom; so, no.
be nice if they interviewed someone who fits this bill, then, instead of a Twitter Comedian
I just don't understand why he did the whole thing in a blaccent.
okay, so who the fuck is —
what part of "we belong dead" do you not understand
thanks for taking screenshots of tweets for us
"(We could make the point that celebrating Wall Street’s strengths was already doing exactly that, but we’re pretty far out in the weeds in terms of our art criticism skills as it is.)"
…more like PEE-YOOka laylee
whatever else you can say about the man, his hatred of Dippin' Dots is NOT unfounded.
you forgot
but Luke Cage wore a hoodie, and
Wow, a superhero movie!
Gremlins - Caught this on Amazon. Holds up well but it's spotty.
Great! What does this have to do with the arts?
Thanks! I like to consider myself something of a modern Katie Rife.
well, it was a bad TV show so i wasn't expecting much beyond some cool drawings
I refer you to the seminal Vincent Price vehicle "The Monster Club" for guidance.