What is "what people who care about actual discourse should stop doing to nakedly opportunistic empty-headed narcissists like Milo and Disqus user 'jonathan blaze,' but will never learn?"
What is "what people who care about actual discourse should stop doing to nakedly opportunistic empty-headed narcissists like Milo and Disqus user 'jonathan blaze,' but will never learn?"
it IS a bit; which makes it worse, not better
curated content is actually a very good thing though?
"Besides being a sly commentary on the character’s general reception"
are you Wiley Miller? 'cause you're making a non-sequitur!
Pewdiepie is wretched and surely deserves to be hanged, but I'll never understand the people in AVClub comments who pretend not to understand irony and how it can be used in comedy. Like, this is a spinoff of The Onion. Does Let'sBeFriends think the Abortionplex article was serious?
that midrash where God yells at Satan real loud
Stop posting about tweets.
yo i kinda like Chelsea Clinton but this isn't fucking news, period; never mind pop culture news
seriously, i cannot understand everyone' positive reaction to the pilot. Its pacing was tedious, its imagination narrow, its clichés numerous and inert, and it lasted 30 minutes past its natural climax.
"Yeah, we know, we also got a little overwhelmed by all the Stranger Things memes that came out in the wake of the show’s whirlwind success last summer."
that doesn't make it "fake news," though. it makes the people reporting on it bad at interpreting jokes, or bad at following up a source, but it's still ingenuous in its intent.
my comment definitely implies that.
this article definitely sucks for a lot of reasons but it isn't "fake news"
if "On Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious" is any indication, Freud would have only been interested if Gorusch had misspelled Kissinger as Kissingher.
A single yearbook joke that took his entire youth to craft? Now that's commitment!
Let each be judged according to his goofs and gags. The Onion, for instance, is famous for never making off-color jokes, and has never made a questionable joke for the sake of provoking the easily offended.
as in this infamous video game battle, genocide often takes the form of a
man running in circles yelling at himself while getting struck over and
over by lightning
One Save Slot at Riovanes: What Final Fantasy Tactics' Velius Fight Can Teach Us About Genocide in Darfur