Sexy Duck Cop

At this point it's like he's deliberately and systematically trying to do, say, or think the worst possible thing every second of his life.

I keep forgetting how much I like this guy.

In an era where Hollywood is trying to turn every cartoon cereal mascot of the last 35 years into an epic multimedia quintology that will eventually intertwine into a series of connected yet distinct cinematic universes, how in the blazing fuck does Hollywood see an ACTUAL epic multimedia quintology and think "Be sure

Bannon would secretly be hurt the Stone Men were too repulsed to touch him, but he puts on a tough front and insists he has "deoperationalized" Old Valyria and has no reason to hang out with those stupid crappy Stone Men jerks anyway FINE, WHO NEEDS YOU, THIS WAS PART OF MY EVIL PLAN ANYWAY

No, Chris Christie is only capable of eating stereotypical fat person food. I don't think I've ever seen him eat anything other than the very first things that spring to mind when you're making a list of things to cut out of your diet. He's a human caption.

I'm trying to think of some sort of "Steve Bannon getting grayscale while in exile and Chris Christie has to cure him" bit, but you know how sometimes the parts of a joke are there but they just won't gel no matter what?

That's how they got me to vote for LaRouche!

Good point, Littlefinger is no longer creepy

No, she was kind of a huge bitch about it and repeatedly stressed that she's only doing this because, contrary to popular belief, she has two redeeming qualities: love of her children and sincere compassion for people whose car breaks down on the freeway

Paid Qyburn 1.3 billion dollars to invent a pizza that is all toppings and no sauce?

Every night I say a little prayer that he will finally finish his Super Friends page in time for Justice League.

You all realize this is going to be Beyonce in like two years and everyone will be saying "Who would've thought the woman who used her children as creepy tableuxs for her portraits of herself as the Mother of God would turn out to be a sociopath?"

I can't tell if you're being ironic or not and that terrifies me

Yeah but she gave my car a jump when it broke down on the 405 so don't judge

This is actually something that really, really bothered me early on. No one covers their face. No one huddles in. They wear all these big heavy cloaks but keep their chins distant from their collarbones. They are very, very clearly hot underneath the lights.

What did Cersei ever do to you?

"So Bran, tell me what you've been up to."
(Bran excitedly babbles about his original Sonic the Hedgehog/Pokemon crossover fan character that he and only he has the TRUE and OFFICIAL legal rights to)
(Littlefinger quietly sits in the corner of the room, tenting his fingers and smiling as he devises a plan to become the


just got home from a long night at work and then spent like three hours watching this terrific fucking episode and drinking box wine that skewed my viewing:comedic riffing ratio to unsustainable levels. Rather than making a real post, then, I am therefore just going to paste my texts in order of thematic relevance. In

If you look carefully on the side there's a big message written by the Night King that reads "HI EVERYONE THIS IS THE NIGHT KING AND BOY WHAT A LONG STRANGE TRIP IT'S BEEN GUESS I SHOULD START FROM THE BEGINNING HUH" and just continues for 700 miles