Sexy Duck Cop

Do you ever wonder if at any point during Vader's twentysomething years as Palpatine's henchman, he asked if there was a plan or if they were just gonna be vaguely evil and stand on bridges forever.

"Anakin! The bad guys are evil!"

You have to work really, really hard to dislike Breaking Bad. Like, folding your arms as hard as humanly possible while Bashar al-Assad shoves live tarantulas in your mouth hard.

You know what goes great with Pizza Hut Brand Personal Pan Pizzas? HORMEL BRAND BLACK LABEL CHILI

"A self-interested way of scoring cred points for your own team" is the beginning and end of modern politics.

*Palpatine sends Anakin a letter with his smiling face telling him he has ALREADY WON 65 MILLION DOLLARS, JUST MURDER A NURSERY SCHOOL TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE*

Well it has been three years since Breaking Bad ended, which is exactly how long it takes the Internet to declare the thing it once adored "overrated".

"They’re complex in ways that people don’t fully understand. They weren’t disasters."

I liked the extremely conceptual metajoke of creating an elaborate prequel trilogy about Darth Vader's downfall only to reveal at the last second that he wasn't actually hateful or evil, just really, really, really stupid.

How is that even an opinion

No, the Star Wars prequels were fundamentally broken films and would be with or without the Star Wars name, just like BvSColonDoJ. They're the sort of messes you get when cocky, overconfident filmmakers get so caught up in their own hype they begin to neglect basic, fundamental tenets of storytelling. If anything,

Hank asks why there's a plume of smoke coming out of the laundromat, Walt just tells him it's steam from all the steamed hams they must be making.

Look, we've got two choices: Either these weird, redundant double-reviews of both the season and individual episodes, or Kevin Pang shits out another slideshow listicle about ten belly busting superfoods that will help you lose weight everywhere…but your wallet. (Spoiler: Blueberries, Acai berries, salmon, HORMEL

Who doesn't love it when a long-awaited narrative selling point is crammed into the last five minutes of the finale? I wish more shows would do that.

Yeah, this show is really teetering on the brink of being Just Regular Awesome.

During the final season of breaking bad, the Atlantic Wire inexplicably decided to have two people who have never seen Breaking Bad review it entirely on the merits of his final six episodes.

Technically we're still living in a post 9/11 world so maybe we should go back to starting paragraphs with that

This is the Internet and I don't give a fuck what you actually said or wrote: You are a racist sexist homophobe.

So who else here was expecting some alt-right thing and not a statement on Islamist rule in Indonesia?

I wish someone would just sit down with Poison Ivy and get into an argument with her over her ideology and worldview.