Sexy Duck Cop

And to think: five years ago, this would've been big news. Now we'll be lucky if it's a competent action movie that incidentally involves well-known characters.

I was talking to my boss about this at work tonight and we both decided this movie would be a lot better if it was about all the dolphins on earth declaring war on the human race when Aquaman stop fucking their blowholes, and every action scene was just a superhero dragging a dolphin out of the water and repeatedly

The alt-right is like "Yeah, I'm a 'virgin.' I've ''never had sex''. Right, I TOTALLY '''have never felt the loving touch of another human being and this explains why I'm so miserable to be around.''' Sure."

What if the entire alt-right was a virgin

Steve Bannon wouldn't be Steve Bannon if he got laid on prom night.

I think Russia should be in control of the Russian government.

Hopefully Trump will…..okay, I haven't seen Jack Reacher in a long time, but didn't Herzog make some guy eat his own fingers or something? That. Whatever I'm vaguely remembering is what should happen to the President.

Yeah, Werner Herzog battling the knee-jerk self-righteous Internet outrage machine is like an unstoppable force against an existentially weary object.

The only joy to come from this Presidency is watching Donald Trump lose in public, over and over and over.

Why do I get the feeling that Trump's Presidency will end like the battle of the bastards, with a bloodied, mud-caked Hillary feeding Trump to a pack of rabid "Ironic" Racists ;)

Once again, a real person did die.

Oh and in addition to the other things I said, if I leave the Disquss Notification page after replying my response doesn't show up, so it's just faster and easier to make multiple posts instead of editing one.

Well if there's one message I was definitely trying to convey, it was "do not do the right thing." I'm glad to see you're doing a close read there.

……so after all that about how great you are at logic, you read the sentence "punching Nazis feels good but isn't a good debate strategy" and saw it as "I love Nazis."

Red herring. (Redirecting the conversation to how many posts I make.)

No I actually do that a lot

Find out the REAL reason Hollywood won't work with Carrie Fischer anymore!

Oh also, this is probably going to shatter your worldview, but there's no real consensus as to whether or not the slippery slope actually is a fallacy:

Okay. Let me let you in on a secret: Contrary to what Wikipedia and Intro to Philosophy classes may have taught you, fallacies are not the rhetorical insta-kills people on the Internet think they are. Even though they don't hold up to the rigid standards of formal inductive logic, they're still a critical part of

Oh Christ, it's the "I Just Read The Wikipedia Article On Logical Fallacies And Want The World To Know" guy. Haven't seen one of you around in a while. Congratulations on noticing that I did, in fact, say the extremely common figure of speech "slippery slope" in casual conversation. This truly is a dark day.