
I tried to watch this show and just couldn’t get into it. It felt like “The Tiffany Haddish And Ali Wong Reading Lines Show With Waaaaaaacky Animation.” I’m sure it was entertaining for lots of people and it’s a bummer they canceled it. Just never resonated with me.*

Not a parent, huh?

They’re like 13.... c’mon. 

While I’d generally agree with you on the trope being overused, it’s framed far better than you imply here. This ends up being a lot more about Mike having developed into a genuine teenage asshole to Hopper than said policing.

So...parents in these things should just trust their teens to govern themselves when it comes to sexual involvement?

Maybe it’s me, but I kind of get the feeling that STINGS is doing a bit of overcompensating of his insecurities with slightly pompous self-righteousness. Seriously, I broadly admire the sentiment, but “I’ve always taken the position that [basically we shouldn’t sexually objectify particular ethnic identities based on

He's just that hot that seeing himself naked puts him in the mood. That letter was a bit much. 

Thoughts on these two weird letters

My advice: Keep bringing it up”

Dude, get fucking curtains.


I’m really disappointed in your reviews of this show, Alex. Specifically as a survivor of sexual assault and childhood abuse, I think you do a major disservice to people like me with your obtuse moralizing about being disappointed in the show for taking David’s character in this direction. This show is largely about

Divorced of the post by his ex-wife, the backlash that exists against him is about....a bad script he was commissioned to write? I mean, Buffy/Angel/Firefly hold up as some of the best TV produced this generation, the MCU doesn’t become what it is without him handling the Avengers, Dr Horrible is a singular

Meh. AV Club’s total 180 on Joss Whedon was pretty weak. After Whedon got caught cheating on his wife, AVC immediately started acting like they never liked him and how his female characters were actually all super duper sexist as if we weren’t celebrating Buffy Week 4 days earlier. If there was any specific moment

Does thinking Joss Whedon is a very good filmmaker count as a hot take now? I feel like I missed something.

He was overrated but now I feel like he has become underrated.  His work is still really entertaining and I am not sure he should be treated like some monster for some questionable writing and accusations from his ex-wife (which no actresses he works with have backed up).


This is true across all genres: the “musical episode” trope is played out and needs to be retired for a while. It’s not special when everyone’s doing it.

I don’t think that they would be all that apparent to people who haven’t been in the comedy business. See, here’s the thing. Stand-up ruins your life. It does not matter if you are successful or not. Slowly, it eats away at all of your relationships until you simply have no more relationships.