
Yeah, fuck you. Get help. 

Well, that a poisonous turd.

I’m sure if he comes on here, he’ll be really moved by the thread about how his cry for help is “well, actually” just him being a manipulative jerk (proven of course by the guy who would have the most knowledge about this -- some fucking dude.) feel it’s just better for people to blow their brains out quietly without bothering anyone ahead of time?

So, to review....the Pete Davidson history of abuse that disqualifies him from concern is...?

As you exemplify, the internet is poison.

Spare us the sanctimony you fucking goon.

But then how would recognitions get the attention he so sorely seeks?

This is the shittiest fucking take possible.

As someone who suffers from BPD so has some insight I suggest you do some research before you start flapping your gums about something you know nothing about

let’s keep in mind that applying logic to to the actions of those who suffer from serious mental illness issues is fucking stupid.

Yeah Jezebel really loves to pick people to hate. I mean we’re all guilty of that sometimes, but I don’t go around publishing articles. Unless they’re actively doing harm it’s best to just think whatever and ignore.

For the longest time, we have pretended that “snark” is some kind of good thing, and generally “being ironic,” and all of the other euphemisms we use for being assholes to other people.

I’m sure reading how much of a douche he is online must’ve helped him so much.

The internet is a poison. I hope this dude overcomes his struggles.

I demand this trailer instantly endear me to its characters in the same timespan it took an entire season of Futurama to do the same!

I would NOT want to be Blacula right now.

everyone should be disgusted with that asshole.”

If he posted these now, there would be no question he should be fired. As it is, with these being years old, it’s debatable. I can’t stand Posobiec or Cernovich. It is infuriating to see a director I like get taken down by one of the primary architects of Pizzagate hysteria. But the bottom line is the bottom line.