Gotdamnit. Trump is the pinnacle of a party of people that couldn’t properly show empathy when 20 white six and seven year olds were murdered in their classrooms by a crazy white gunman. How dare this sock puppet Negro claim he’s seen anything like an emotion come from Trump, or any of his racist minions, for Black…
But can sleepy Joe keep up with this brilliant plan for a second term?
I am so tired of hearing white people muleing on about what is in their hearts. It doesn’t matter to the guy who you have in a chokehold whether or not you have hatred in your heart for his race. Racism is a cognitive bias and the actions you take on that are what matters. No offense, but fuck your heart.
There is this one brief part in The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring where the Fellowship, stuck deep in the oppressive maze of the Mines of Moria, sit down and take stock of which of the paths in front of them they should take to escape the dank pits infested with goblins, trolls, and all manner of ill…
Dude reads your stuff for a decade and the only thing he understands less than the point of what you write is how to spell your name.
According Orange Toxic Waste Spill 45, Kneeling during the national anthem is way worse than:
Fuck no I wouldn’t drink Tucker Carlson slurry.
My only issue is what “nutrients” you think we’ll be getting from them?
Let’s play Marry, Fuck, Kill with Hannity, Carlson, and Kurtz. GO!
Fellas, please pick a new theme for next week’s episode of ‘How Could 2020 Be More 2020?’
Who hurt you?
That’s always been a song with a lot of meaning to me, especially since Chester Bennington’s suicide. Trump abusing it is absolutely appalling to me.
I was young one. I drank a lot once. I was stupid once.
“Fuck it, someone has to do it.”- Black Women since forever. Thank you Maxine
And they were just. so. GOOD. Best characters of the film; not treated as delicate, not spirit guides or there for comedic relief. Nope! Just two absolute bad asses who happen to be really in love. While I am by no means an immortal kick ass warrior, Joe and Nicolo are the representation I’m looking for. I’m sick of…
Can this please serve as empirical proof that superhero movie fans will not, in fact, run screaming in terror if a movie has gay characters?
Oh — aaaaannnd he’s already getting ratio’d.
The word Icon has been thrown around so much lately it has lost meaning. In the case of John Lewis it may be an understatement. In an era of “fake woke”, Hotep’s that talk it but don’t ever come close to walking it and those that would rather switch than fight John Lewis towers above them all. I hope all of you that…